Lonely Guardians

Tahnahos sipped his mug of soup as he wandered down the main hallway, all the way down into the navigation chamber. Technically it was a cockpit, but his boss seemed to hate that word, so it was the navigation room. The clear plastic doors immediately slid open so Tahnahos could pass, letting him into the chamber.

Inside, the room was somewhat busy, all things considered. In the main pilot seat, fellow Guardian Teekay was busy plotting various ship navigation courses and monitoring periuniversal traffic, while his best friend Relkir was curled up around him, watching with curiosity. Also present was Akah, the Lanex Guardian, who clearly looked like he had been sitting down too long.

With a smile, Tahnahos waved hello to Teekay and Relkir, who both waved back then returned what they were doing. A quick glance at the onboard ship clock (which only really displayed time relative to the ship and nothing else) reminded Tahnahos that it was soon his turn to replace Teekay on the traffic monitor.

Tahnahos had a bit of time though, so he decided to sit down next to Akah and see what he was doing.

“Hello…” Akah grunted as he repeatedly flicked a switch downwards. “What do you want today?”

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Tahnahos asked.

The Lanex stopped what he was doing and spun his chair round to face Tahnahos, but not before he stole a glance at the clock. Akah had also realised that Tahnahos’s shift was about to start soon.

“No, just doing as Phovos requested, checking the frequencies for any utterances of Kinisis’s name and of Life Goddesses in general. Apparently the Thantir found Kinisis’s son unharmed. Still looking for the Life Goddesses who attacked the Thantir though.”

Tahnahos shrugged. “That’s good news, at least. Also probably clears us of suspicion as well. How about you, Akah, how are you doing?”

Akah eyed Tahnahos suspiciously. “Why are you asking?”

“Can’t a guy ask how his fellow Guardians are doing? You have been working for a while as it is…”

“Only because I have a job to do and not much else available…” Akah hesitated, turning to the screen then back to Tahnahos. “Is there something going on? You have been acting weird towards me for a while.”

“Oh, no, nothing much…” Tahnahos mused.

But both of them instantly knew Tahnahos was lying. Rather than beat around the bush, Tahnahos checked over his shoulder to make sure that Teekay and Relkir weren’t paying attention, then leaned down closer to Akah, whispering as quietly as he could.

“I’m gonna be honest, I fucked up. I spent so much time making sure that everyone else was happy and partnered up that I kinda forgot about myself.”

Akah rolled his glowing, ice blue eyes. “I assume then that both Phovos and Tahvra have ignored your advances and now you are turning to me.”

Tahnahos shrugged. “Basically, yeah.”

“You do realise that I am a Lanex and you are a Lanex-murdering Kronospast, yes?”

“That’s unfair, I have never personally murdered any Lanex. Plus, we’re not Lanex or Kronospasts at all, we’re Guardian Divines in the shape of Lanex and Kronospasts.”

Akah sighed, leaning away from Tahnahos. “I’m sorry, but I can’t provide what you’re looking for.”

“What do you mean by that?” Tahnahos huffed.

“You want romance. That’s what you gave to everyone else and now that is what you want. Well I’m not like the others, I’m not that way inclined. I don’t… even know how it all really works.”

“How… what works?”

“Romance. Love. Emotions like that. All of it is… above me.”

Tahnahos leaned closer to Akah. “Are you telling me… you never experienced romance with another Lanex?”

Akah tutted, closing his eyes. “Not everyone is that lucky.”

“Just… how lonely are you?” Tahnahos asked. “In all honesty, have you been alone your whole life?”


“Do you… want someone to talk to?”

Akah didn’t answer. Instead, he looked up past Tahnahos. Relkir had somehow sneaked up behind them.

“Tahnahos, I am sorry to interrupt, but your shift is starting in a few minutes.”

Tahnahos grunted, twisting round to face the lithe Rethan Guardian. “Ach, fine, no worries. You and Teekay gonna head off?”

“We were going to get something to eat first. Then we will send Tahvra down.”

“Yeah, sure. Akah, you should go with them. You’ve been working all day.” Tahnahos got up from his chair, realising his mug of soup had gone cold. Relkir backed away, nodding in acknowledgement and letting Tahnahos pass.

“Very well, I guess I could do with a break.” Akah sighed, relenting. He pulled himself out of his chair, grabbing his old, warm drink and his straw, following Relkir and Teekay out of the room. But before he could exit the room, Tahnahos called him.

“Hey, Akah?”


“After your break, would you like to join me in here?”

Akah hesitated. “Uh… Yes, alright. Not like I have much else to do…”

Tahnahos smiled. “Alright. See you later…”