Nothing There At All

Tahvra blinked in confusion as he checked out the window, then checked the myriad of consoles around him, then checked outside again. He had gotten the coordinates perfect. They were at the exact location Kinisis wanted them to be. But as Tahvra continued to frantically check all the monitors and messages beeping at him, he could tell something was wrong.

“There’s nothing here!”

“What do you mean?” Lissandra hissed as she snaked her way over to Tahvra’s bed of consoles and screens.

“There is literally nothing here!”

“Huh…” the serpentine being wasn’t sure how to respond. “Is there… supposed to be something here?”

Tahvra flicked several switches, pressed some buttons on his screens then took a long, deep breath. “This is where we were supposed to go for the signal thingy we were supposed to be looking for!”

“What signal thingy?”

The tiny Guardian was getting annoyed at how Lissandra couldn’t seem to understand what he was saying. He closed his eyes, took another deep breath, then spoke very slowly. “There is nothing here. There is supposed to be a thing here.”

“What sort of thing? The mysterious ancient Voidborn message we picked up?”

“YES!” Tahvra’s frustration was finally lessened by the appearance of several other beings in the main piloting hub. “Tahnahos, Teekay, there is nothing here! Absolutely nothing! Just empty space!”

“Hm…” Tahnahos made his way over and sat down next to Tahvra, double checking all his inputs. “That’s… weird. There should be something here.”

“Yes, but there isn’t! It’s just… vanished!”

“And there is no trace of anything?” Teekay asked. “Not even some sort of residue or echo?”

Tahvra shook his head. “Nothing. Nothing at all. There’s not even any sort of echo for us to track! It’s a complete and utter dead end.”

“That is… so weird…” Tahnahos leaned back in his chair, at a loss on how to explain any of this. “Maybe… maybe what we heard was so old that it’s just… vanished from time and space and all of that…”

“Maybe…” Teekay sat down next to Tahnahos and Tahvra. “Maybe we were right all along. Maybe it was just a massive trap. But whoever set the trap all that time ago is no longer around to be able to actually spring it? After all, there’s nothing here.”


Lissandra tutted, grabbing the three smaller Guardians’ attention. “Do you guys need me, or can I leave now?”

“Yeah, yeah, you can leave…” Tahvra frowned. “Do me a favour though and send us some drinks on the way out.”


Tahvra turned to his fellow Guardians. “Well, uh, we got a lot of working things out to do here.”


“Well…” Tahvra started frowning. “Kinisis was… kinda expecting us to find something… And we’ve… found nothing.”

“Basically,” Tahnahos interrupted, “we need to find an explanation as to why we haven’t found anything, not even the expected trap, and we need to put it in a way that Kinisis will understand and accept. Because, most of the time, things don’t just disappear into thin air and completely cease to exist. There must be some sort of reason behind all of this.”

Lissandra shrugged as she slithered off, not really too concerned about there not being a trap where everyone expected a trap to be.. “Alright, nerds. I’ll get Relkir to send you all some drinks. See ya.”