Dreameater: Hello.
Souldrainer is now online.
Souldrainer: Letharus! Hello! How are you?
Dreameater: I am okay.
Dreameater: Actually, I am not okay.
Souldrainer: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk?
Dreameater: You are not busy right now, are you?
Souldrainer: Of course not. Ship is currently on autopilot, we are travelling to the Justarian Circle as we have been invited to a party.
Souldrainer: This sector is far busier than the Kinigian Wilderness.
Souldrainer: I have the time to talk and listen.
Dreameater: Ah. Alright.
Dreameater: I am depressed and lonely and unsatisfied with my duties.
Dreameater: I am mostly tired of being the only Vokaic being in this stupid Deathven facility. There used to be a few others. I considered Lord Vikalos to be somewhat Vokaic, since he has a plate of armour on his head, and armour plating across his arms and thighs.
Dreameater: Kalis USED to be Vokaic but has completely changed his form, becoming more reptilian now as he settles in with his girlfriend, in a purely reptilian area. The handful of hybrids I used to assist have been moved to another sector to be with beings more like themselves.
Dreameater: But the majority of beings here are… I do not know how to describe them, but they do not wear armour, capes and wraps, the way you and I do. They are furry. And wear clothes.
Souldrainer: I can see why you would be lonely. Have you considered leaving? Perhaps other sectors contain beings more like yourself.
Dreameater: That would mean abandoning my duties here.
Souldrainer: Are you happy with your duties though? Because it is all well and good making other people feel better, but if doing so is making you unwell in the process, then a change is required.
Dreameater: But there are people in my care that I need to hand off to others.
Souldrainer: Are your duties hurting you?
Dreameater: I…
Dreameater: I do not know.
Dreameater: I feel like whatever I do is not enough. I am not hurt, but I am being worn down.
Souldrainer: Then you need to make changes before you are worn down completely. Or, worse, before you explode and hurt someone else.
Dreameater: Ugh.
Dreameater: You are correct. Maybe I should find a new job.
Souldrainer: Alternatively, maybe you just need another holiday?
Dreameater: Where would I even go?
Souldrainer: Come and visit us again! We have some new Decaylings, and I can introduce you to my little sibling!
Dreameater: Oh…
Dreameater: You… have a little sibling too… A twin, yes?
Souldrainer: I do. Their name is Kuta.
Dreameater: And I assume they are an insanely powerful psion, more so than yourself?
Souldrainer: Yes indeed.
Dreameater: Ugh…
Souldrainer: What happened to your sibling?
Dreameater: She was… the first person I… I could not save. She… killed a hundred people with her uncontrolled powers. I could not stop her from then killing herself. It is why I became a therapist, to help others and stop that from happening again.
Souldrainer: Oh.
Souldrainer: I… will be honest, something similar happened to Kuta. They were attacked by a group of bullies. They nearly beat them to death. Kuta lost control, killed half the 11th Legion and…
Souldrainer: Well, that twisted me in the opposite direction. I sealed Kuta inside a digital matrix and used the incident to gain both hard and soft power for myself.
Souldrainer: We did… make amends though. Eventually.
Souldrainer: Still, come and visit us again. Just relax for a bit.
Dreameater: I feel like, if I just come over for a holiday, it will not fix my issues.
Dreameater: I am beginning to feel that maybe… maybe I just need to start over.
Souldrainer: That is always an option. You are a powerful Psion with a large set of skills, you could make yourself at home anywhere.
Souldrainer: You are also welcome to join the Thantir, but we do have a lot of Psions currently.
Dreameater: I thought it was just you and little Eksi?
Souldrainer: Well, Kuta has returned to us, and they are a Psion, and we have two new Decaylings, Talok and Nyssi, who are also Psions. Nyssi also has water and toxin-creation powers.
Dreameater: How many new Decaylings do you have?
Souldrainer: Eight total.
Souldrainer: Plus Arkay.
Dreameater: Wait, Arkay is back with you?
Souldrainer: Indeed. We hardly believe it ourselves.
Dreameater: How is he? I was busy retraining for a broader range of therapy assistance while Arkay was in Deathven. We were in the same Deathven sector and I never saw him.
Souldrainer: He is doing very well. A bit rough around the edges, due to the pain he has been through, but Arkay is back home and safe once more.
Souldrainer: And finally happy.
Dreameater: That is wonderful to hear!
Dreameater: I will let Kalis know. He always felt bad for somewhat abandoning Arkay when he moved in with his girlfriend. He might want to visit as well.
Dreameater: As for me? Well, I am definitely visiting. I could do with both a holiday and a chance for some peace and quiet, to weigh up my options.
Dreameater: However, I do not know if I wish to join you Thantir.
Souldrainer: Fair. But do you have a reason why?
Dreameater: You already have lots of Psions. But also, while yes, you did save me, you made me want to live again, I do not want to be around people who permanently remind me of my horrific past.
Souldrainer: That is perfectly understandable.
Souldrainer: Luckily, there are Threanics, what you call Vokaic beings, all around the pentacluster. And outside it.
Dreameater: Would they accept a Vokanic Psion?
Souldrainer: Oh, definitely. I have met quite a few Psionic vok. A few very attractive ones too.
Dreameater: Huh.
Dreameater: What sort of duties could I do out there?
Souldrainer: I am admittedly not sure. The Alsyr are Corruption and Voidborn purgers, the Phantai were the same until we… fixed their problems. The Justar are a lot more varied and do a bit of everything.
Dreameater: Hm. Perhaps I can come and just visit the area in general. Take a ship and just explore, I guess.
Souldrainer: That is a good idea! I would recommend one with a good heating system, as well as a backup battery, electromagnetic shields and an emergency flare system that works without any form of power.
Dreameater: That is… rather specific.
Souldrainer: Just talking from experience.
Dreameater: I assume you got stuck in a ship with no heating system that was hit by an electromagnetic pulse that left you trapped.
Souldrainer: Pretty much.
Souldrainer: I do not know about the neighbouring pentaclusters, but Patagenic is rather safe these days. The Goldtorn remains have been cleaned out, the Kinigian Wilderness is safe now that Kinisis is properly dead and the Justarian Circle has always been safe. The Ventra Expanse has always been rather safe as well, despite not having an active Deathven-aligned presence.
Dreameater: Hm. Very interesting. I do need to sort myself out here, but… maybe just… going off on my own, doing whatever…
Dreameater: Hm.
Dreameater: I think I may do that. I will save a couple of four-evs’ worth of wages, since I am somewhat well-paid anyway, and just… exist for a bit. Go exploring.
Souldrainer: That sounds wonderful!
Souldrainer: If you ever need anything, we are here for you, alright?
Dreameater: I appreciate the offer.
Dreameater: Thank you for this talk, it has been enlightening. I will go now, I have things I need to think about. Please say hello to everyone for me!
Souldrainer: Will do. Have a good one, friend.
Dreameater: You too!
Dreameater is now offline.