Meeting Someone Too Similar

“Hey, Akah! Grab your stuff, you’re coming with us!” Akah yawned as he paced around his sleeping quarters, looking for a fresh set of armour to put on. He’d admittedly been up all night playing games and had only slept for about half an hour, but that was fine. What was more annoying was that … Read more

Suggestions About The Lake

Rethais never enjoyed reading through paperwork in the throne room. It wasn’t a particularly satisfying or comfortable working area. Sure, it worked fine for meetings and discussions, but for quieter work, it was useless. And while, yes, Rethais was the High General, they could change these things, there was never really time to do so, … Read more

Ceremony of the Doom Drums

The Demon Rat growled and hissed as she circled the Death Wolf, nothing on her mind but murderous intent. She was hungry, volatile, vicious and desperate to taste blood. She was a colossal entity, 4m long with a 2m long tail, covered in thick fur, heavy armour and spikes, decorated in glimmering lights. Everything else … Read more

Psiksi’s Wardrobe

“Aren’t you supposed to be training for your match or something right now?” Psiksi asked as he watched Kayel rummage through his wardrobe. Kayel had his own wardrobe at home, but Psiksi always kept a full wardrobe in his private training area, because he was a very popular person and sometimes needed to sneak out … Read more


“Hello! I hate to say it, but you somehow look glum, despite being a Voidborn! Would you like your normal order?” Theocydes sighed as he entered the Shield and Stave, a Decay Lord pub that allowed Adogtic Voidborns to stop by and have a drink. The place was run by a former Ventra Decay Lord … Read more

Assorted Invitations

Shocktrooper: Hi guys, how u all? Loopblade-5: We’re fine. Telecharm: Oh hey! Skyan Teekay! Been a while! Telecharm: What’s up? Shocktrooper: Was gonna ask KT to ask u all but thought I should do it myself. Electricshadow: KT? Electricshadow: Also, hello everyone. Sorry I have been inactive. Been busy. Shocktrooper: All cool, dude. Shocktrooper: Also, … Read more

Forgotten Voidborn Presence

“I do not like it, sister!” “It’s just a Voidborn.” “It is hovering outside.” “Yeah. Outside. It’s not hurting anyone.” “I want it gone, Sini.” “Well, get your pet to deal with it then!” “He is not my pet.” “You treat him like one.” “Well… he IS a death god. It is better that we … Read more

Kengana’s Queries

“I did not think I would be seeing you again so soon. I would get up, but, well…” Kengana bowed slightly as he entered the recovery room. It was technically already a little cramped in there, since there were four other Decay Lord present. Lying in bed was Litvir, who had only recently regained the … Read more

Ceremonial Gladiator Planning

As the Raptor and her little friend Talok stepped into Xeno Dessaron One’s private training area, she immediately noticed that something was off. She had explicitly asked them all to be there at 10am sharp, but Kayel wasn’t present. At 10:05am, Kayel burst through the shadow in the corner of the room, glanced down at … Read more

Motionless Recovery

“Don’t worry, mister Litvir, you’ll be okay!” As soon as the Three Es had returned with Litvir in tow, it had been a massive rush to get Litvir treated. Everyone was thankful that Litvir both wasn’t too badly hurt and, once he had woken up, was capable of using his telepathy to tell everyone what … Read more

Trailing Help

“Alright, where are we, and did you just mind control me?” Elkay rubbed his face as his eyes faded from a bright yellow back to his normal dim red. Most Rethans had noticeably bright eyes, and it seemed that, now everyone was some sort of deity, everyone else’s eyes also glowed slightly. But because Elkay … Read more

Fangs of the Mindeater

“Ew. It is going to take forever to wash this slime off me…” Litvir blinked, then paused, then fell silent. He wondered why that was the first thing he thought. Litvir’s surroundings were currently quite dire to say the least. Currently, the Psionic Decay Lord was trapped in an awful fog, wrapped up in a … Read more

Myalotroph’s Demand

The colossal, black, reptilian being that was all tail, claws and fangs hovered ominously in the centre of Savepoint, demanding an audience from someone in particular. “Souldrainer, Litvir Kaldynik, formerly Litvir Kaldieridos, give yourself to me, and I will leave your fellow Thantir alone.” Whatever this being was, it was clearly a threat, which was … Read more

Day After A Great Night

Relkir panicked for a moment as they woke up from one of the best sleeps they’d ever had. They weren’t in their own bed. They were sharing with someone else. Or, well, they were? It was a very, very big bed, Relkir couldn’t reach either edge if they stretched their arms out as far as … Read more