Brother’s Message

Dearest sibling,

Normally, I would not contact you. There is a strict reason why. You have your own existence, free from ours. You are your own individual now. But that individuality is the reason why I need you now. I have broken my own rules in order to discreetly contact you, and I beg for your help and forgiveness.

In the past, I have seen you as nothing more than a threat to reality, to life. And why shouldn’t I have seen you as a threat? You were after all the god of death and decay, slowly pulling on the strings of reality, reducing all to ash. Now though, I realise I was wrong. You were just a symptom of time and space, but more, you were the great recycler. You did not bring the universe to its doom, you imply allowed us to take what was dead and make something new out of it. Den isoun thanatos, isoun kai anagenisi.

I admit I was wrong. And it took an almost complete collapse for me to finally see that truth. You had to be destroyed, ejected, removed, in order for me to realise that there is more to a universe than just creation. There’s release. There’s freedom. And there’s liberation. It turns out, I perhaps lack these latter things.

When Yisini and I saved what we could, when the Void Lords attacked us, we saved something else. unintentionally. We also saved our own chains, binding us to Kinisis’s creation. We are part of her soul, part of her essence, part of her creation, not our own. While we toil to rebuild what we have lost, we do so while under Kinisis’s influence. Our time-feathered brother is no different, he has been trapped within Kinisis’s loop for eons, longer than Yisini and I care to understand. You were also part of this loop, part of Kinisis’s eternal cycle, until you broke free from her bonds and escaped into the Periuniversal Void.

I have come to realise that we are trapped, and I wish to have the freedom that you claimed for yourself. While I personally do not want to escape into the void, I want to break free from Kinisis’s control, from her influence. I want to be my own individual, free to create without her interference in any way. She is what is keeping me from achieving my purest creations, and she is what keeps Yisini from creating true permanent life. And when we all die, we will be reborn, once again under Kinisis’s control. I do not know whether you too would end up back under her control, should you die.

While I know that you now live your own life, free from your old duties, I also know that you have the key to our freedom as well. You can break us out. You can end the cycle. I have the knowledge, I have the keys to unlock our freedom and end Kinisis’s loop forever, but I cannot use these tools, they must be used by you. However, I will not force you to act alone, or run in blind. I have formed a plan, and we will work together on this. If you so wish.

However, I acknowledge that this is your choice. You do not have to help me. You have no reason to, especially with how we have treated you over the millennia. If you decide you wish to help, please respond. If you choose not to, I understand.

With kindest regards,

Epani, Star Soul