Tenuk’s Assistance

The four deities watched as a somewhat square ship landed about a hundred metres ahead of them, disappearing behind the trees in a small clearing. As soon as the engine noises died down, Arkadin excitedly rushed towards it, skipping through the grass.

“I wish I could be as happy as he is…” Epani grunted as she got up and started to follow. Yisini quickly followed, while Kairos trailed behind them. They had walked a long way today, and the opportunity to get off this stupid, dark rock was one that none of them wanted to miss.

Standing outside the rear end of the ship, by a large cargo door, was a tall, skinny, blue Rethavok, standing at nearly three metres tall. Unlike most Rethans, not only was this one’s armour blue, but it had a faint blue tinge to its otherwise grey skin. Just as Epani, Yisini and Kairos entered the clearing, they watched their brother run up and give this Rethavok a very large hug.

“Come on, you lot!” Arkadin shouted.

“Is it safe?” Kairos whimpered as Yisini and Epani dragged him over.

Arkadin turned to the Rethan. Both of them rolled their eyes. “Yeah, of course it’s safe! It’s just Tenuk!”

“Just get your asses inside and we can get moving,” Tenuk tutted. “I don’t have all day.”

The ship’s interior was pretty plain. The habitable area comprised of four small bedrooms, plus a living area, bathroom, kitchen and medical bay, all of it barely big enough for Arkadin, let alone Epani or Yisini. Kairos had the unfortunate problem of having to sit in the cargo bay, as none of the other rooms were big enough for him. Thankfully, Kairos was content to just fall asleep in there, and was unconscious almost as soon as his head landed on the makeshift bedding. Epani and Yisini both took a bedroom each, while Arkadin joined Tenuk in the cockpit.

“So what the fuck is going on with you then, Arkay?” Tenuk asked as he sat down and started everything up. “You don’t often come to me for help. Much less so with the, uh, siblings.”

“Yeah, sorry about all of this…” Arkadin apologised as he sat down too. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“Not at all. I’m actually fucking glad, you got me out of a shitty date!” Tenuk seemed pretty pleased and eager to talk. He’d already done ship checks as he’d put the other passengers in their rooms and helped strap down the massive Thraki in the cargo hold, so there was nothing left but to fly back home. Having Arkay around to talk to made the whole three hour flight better.

Arkadin twiddled his thumbs a little, watching Tenuk fiddle with the take off controls. Within a few minutes, the ship was already in orbit and ready to head off into the depths of space. “Oh? That’s… both good and bad, I guess. I see you’re taking your Rethan form again?”

“Oh definitely. Easier to get drunk and easier to get laid. Well, except for today. What about you though?” Tenuk immediately brought the discussion back to Arkadin. “What IS going on with you four?”

“Uh… It’s complicated…”

“You can tell me.”

“Kinisis… made us mortal…”

Tenuk fell silent and stared at Arkadin. “Really? Like, actually mortal?”

“Seems like it.”

“So who is… dealing with the universe?”

Arkadin sighed, then leaned forward, so he could whisper. “Between me and you? I believe our comatose godly bodies are still running the show. But as far as those three are concerned? I want them to think this is it, we’re completely mortal and we need to learn how to be mortal. Because the reason Kinisis is doing this is because those three don’t respect you all.”

A smile flickered across Tenuk’s face. “Aaaah, I see. And I assume you got dragged along for the ride?”

“It’s for the best. They wouldn’t last five minutes without me.”

“We should make the most out of this…” Tenuk grinned. “Make them get jobs. Make them work. Make them sweat.”

Arkadin nodded in agreement. “Definitely. Because I’m not letting those bastards mooch off my hard work. I built up a base for myself, I made precautions and planned ahead. They’ll just fuck it all up if I’m not careful.”

“Don’t worry, kiddo!” Tenuk reassured the little Skyavok as he patted Arkadin on the back. “I’ve got you covered. We’re going to have some fun. Your siblings on the other hand, won’t…”