Tale: New Guy

It had been a good day for Retvik. Everyone involved in today’s Dessaron Battle Arena matches had gone home happy, including all the losing teams. The only bad thing that happened today was that Gath had things to do, some negotiations with the team’s sponsor, so he wouldn’t be around until later. Right now, though, … Read more

Tale: Argument from Bed

Elkay was sick of being in bed. He wanted to be outside, doing anything but lying in bed. Anything. He’d prefer cleaning out a sewer to being in that stupid, hard, uncomfortable bed. Not just any sewer. A Cassid sewer. The worst of the worst. Really though, it wasn’t the bed that was annoying him. … Read more

Tale: Decisions to Make

“Siblings, get over here, we need to discuss something…” Veekay beckoned his fellow Ksa to join him. He watched as they gathered round him. Seven other K-Class Ksa, four Ξ-Class Ksa and one incredibly lucky Θ-Class Ksa. Technically, Arksi, Psiksi, Thitaksi and Eksi were now K-Class as well, since their groups were merged. Nenth was … Read more

Tale: Matters of Trust

Kayel sat on the ledge above the cage area. There were twenty Varga being held in there, alongside the former Queen of this Vohra nest. While the Varga’s cages had all been extended and opened up in one cage, the upset Vayra’s cage had been made smaller, as if it was ready to be transported … Read more

One Year Later – Dessaron Interview

This is set a year after the four Dessaron Interviews, on 09/05/16. Cameravok: I assume we won’t be wasting any time on this. Retvik: Nonsense. We have time. This isn’t like before. Kazix: Well good! Arkay: We’re just doing short bursts, right? Kazix: Yes, people don’t like long, boring interviews. Retvik: We already discussed this. … Read more

Tale: The Little Settlement

Things were coming together quite well, considering recent events. They may have all been trapped in a series of underground tunnels with no way out, but they were all alive and they all had a place to sleep at night. Teekay had been by far the most helpful. Once he’d woken up, his electromagnetic senses … Read more

Tale: Lost and Confused

“Is it dark here or am I still partially blind?” Enkay panicked as he struggled to climb to his feet. “Both! Help me out here!” Arkay frantically replied as he tried to lift the still unconscious Teekay out of the water. It was about thigh high, and Rethans weren’t exactly known for their boyancy. With … Read more

Tale: Checkup

It was close to midnight. The medics had finished tending to Elkay’s injuries. He was lucky to be alive. But he was in no position to be going anywhere. Two broken legs, a sprained wing and a dislocated shoulder all vied for attention from his drug-ridden brain. Someone, he wasn’t sure who, said he should … Read more

News Report on the Explosion at the Rethan Council

Breaking news coming from the Rethan Central Stratos Buildings in Thre-Vretania, planet Threa! An explosion has devastated the communal and media areas, leaving ten dead and many, many more injured, including several high-ranking Rethans and one of our own camera crews. Details are incredibly sketchy right now as Rethan soldiers are forcing us away from … Read more


I am Psivee-En. History knows me as the Defiler. I am not sure why I was given that name, but it may have been how I slaughtered many in the name of freedom. The Trehavok demanded it. The Rethavok oppressed us and would not let us live by our own laws. But we eventually failed, … Read more

Tale: Plans and Escapes

It took a while for Kayel to remember where and who he was. He had never used his powers like that before. In fact, the only magic-using Rethan ever was struggling to stay conscious. But Kayel had to get up and move on. If his calculations were correct, Kayel should have teleported himself inside the … Read more

Religious Groups

Religion is generally frowned upon in the Phoviverse, due to the knowledge of Deitics and events like the Soul Rupture. In many areas, organized religion has pretty much died out, leaving nothing but a few shared beliefs. The only races to actively worship anything are the Thanatians and the Bayvak. The Thanatians believe in a … Read more

Greetings and Kisses

Due to the lack of lips on many Phoviverse species, very few of them actually kiss one another. To show affection, Vrekans knock their pincers together, Banikans bash horns and many other races simply nuzzle one another.  Cassids are known to wrap their necks and tails together, although most social greetings are done in the … Read more

Genders in Panvok

Panvok races are weird when it comes to genders. While the majority of Panvok races generally have females that are larger than males, the Vrekans have larger males who are all-round stronger. Rethans are actually hermaphrodites, having both male and female genitalia, as were a lot of other races related to them. Bayvak are one … Read more

Tale: Containment

“Brother, what have they done to you?” Four of the five other Threan-types rushed round to Teekay’s side. Teekay was barely conscious, just enough to open his eyes and see vague silhouettes of his friends. “Clearly they’ve sedated him so he can’t teleport away…” Enkay sighed, gently caressing Teekay’s head. “You poor, poor thing…” “At … Read more