Tale – Cleaning up the Shore

Death clapped her hands as a swarm of Veth ran around, cleaning up the coastlines of Kinigi.

“Move your asses, kids! I want this place looking like a fancy thropy beach resort!”

Several Veth sighed as they removed piles of skulls by quietly swallowing them, or taking them inland to bury if they were too large. Other Veth though just seemed happy to be working on the coastline, a job normally reserved for the best Veth.

“I think we need more grass here. Maybe some little glowing paths or something…” Death smiled to herself as she tugged a chain. Behind her was her new favourite little Veth, who was being dragged around like some sort of unwilling dog. Occasionally, he would try and escape, or bark at any Veth who came too close, but most of the time he just rolled his eyes and growled. “What do you think, kiddo?”

“I think you’re a lying bitch,” Arkay grunted, only to have the collar around his neck tighten. It was painful, but he didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, things couldn’t get that much worse.

“Give me an opinion relevant to the current situation!” Death shouted as a handful of Veth scampered away. They quickly came back though, they needed to ask the Lady of the Cycle a few questions. “What? I don’t care. If you can’t melt them in your stomachs, which are hot enough to boil iron, then take it inland and bury it somewhere! I’ve said this like five times now! And why are you scampering away?”

One of the Veth pointed at Arkay. “We all know what he did to Yialin, Mistress.”

“We don’t wanna get hurt. I know we are Veth, but…”

Death glanced down at the fledgling Veth and tugged at the chain again, causing Arkay to gag slightly. “Oh, I see. Well don’t worry, I’m punishing him good.”

“We appreciate that, Mistress…” the Veth replied as they went back to work.

Arkay waited for the Veth to be out of earshot before talking. “Must be great having everyone brainwashed to love you…”

“Shut up and give me an opinion on the new coastline.”

The young Veth grunted, then thought for a moment. “Well, you know I think it’s all stupid.”


“Because no one knows what the fuck this place is! You need like a billion signs all saying “This is Kinigi! Go down the river! Those other bastards are trying to steal your soul!” or something!”

“So we need signs?” Death shrugged. “I guess we can do that. Maybe I’ll put something nice on them.”

“You need to explain, clearly and concisely. Because Kairos and Kenos will just poach beings from here!”

“Hasn’t been a problem in the past.”

“In the past, you didn’t break deals and Kenos and Kairos weren’t plotting to do goodness knows what!”

Death sighed, then pulled on Arkay’s chain to shut him up. He was right, but Death didn’t want Arkay knowing that. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. “I’ll think about it. But for now, how does the place look?”

Arkay sighed. “It looks less like a boneyard and more like somewhere beings would like to be.”

“Thank you!” Death grinned as she skipped off, dragging Arkay behind her. “I’m glad we agree on something! Now it’s time for your torture session…”

“Great…” Arkay growled as they headed back to Death’s home.