Tale – Vriskeran Phone Call

“Relinquish your control and disperse your followers now!” Zoi screamed down the phone line. Behind her, the rest of the Sixteen, the current rulers of the Thanatians, listened on anxiously.

“Really?” the voice laughed. “That’s rather… hypocritical of you. All I’m doing here is leading a peaceful takeover of a nation you have so clearly neglected. Oh wait, isn’t that something you did?”

Zoi closed her eyes and sighed. “We are your leaders, Raptor.”

“No, you are my students. And after all these years, you still haven’t learned. It’s not like I have you all not so subtle hints that you would inherit the Thanatian leadership one day. But noooo, you got greedy. And now you’re projecting onto me.”

“We are not projecting!” Thanatos growled. “We are doing what’s right!”

“By installing a religion? Exiling your previous leaders? Attacking those who don’t follow you rather than listening to what they have to say? How is that right?”

Thanatos fell silent, and Zoi took over again.

“It is right to us.”

“It’s clearly wrong.”

Zoi glanced back at her siblings. Photianos shrugged, Trisma tutted. No one was sure what to say.

“Phovos, are you doing this to get back at us for harassing Mavri and Thymos?”

“No, I am doing this because I believe you have all lost your way, and if I can protect Vriskera from your insanity, I will. You are getting Thanatians killed.”

“How have you managed to take over such a large part of Vriskera in under a day, and without actually doing anything?” Neraida shouted. “How?”

“She should teach us…” Gys added.

The line crackled for a moment. “Actually, I only started at midnight, after I got back from a very nice chat with the High General of the Retha, and the King of the Vrekans. They’re good rulers. They know how to treat their populations, they know how to actually lead, unlike you idiots.”

“You didn’t answer our question,” Zoi growled. “How. Have. You. Done. This?”

“I spoke to others. They felt their needs were not being met. So I asked them what they wanted, found out I could give it to them and offered them a place in my city. It’s called listening.”

“Stop being-” Zoi was about to get angry, but Photios stopped her.

“You silly kids forget that I run probably the best Thanatian city in the Maza system. Thanatians want to move here. But there’s only so much room. So I’ve spoken to land owners and everyone and in exchange for getting all the nice rights people in my city have, like, you know, street lighting, rubbish collection and cheap, clean, running water, they’ve agreed to let me rule over them. The same promises you made but with the ability to back them up.”

“Phovos, you are invading Thanati-”

“I am legally allowed to do this. It’s exactly what our new leaders did. If they can do it, why can’t I do it?”

Zoi gave up. The Raptor had her wrapped around her finger.

“What do you want?” Kindyna asked, after a brief silence.

“Ah, good to hear from you, little sister. Was wondering where you went after that Kronaron stuff.”

Kindyna sighed. “It’s complicated.”

“You didn’t vote for this.”

“I didn’t, but I still stand by my siblings. If only to help guide them away from disaster. What do you want?”

Phovos fell silent. A tapping of her claws could be heard. “I want you to drop this religion thing.”

“NOT HAPPENING!” Zoi bellowed, only to be slapped by Kindyna.


“Fine. I want you to allow those who won’t follow your stupid retarded religion to be allowed to live peacefully in Vriskera. I want full control of this territory. To look after it how I please. Mavri and Thymos will remain here with me and will not be allowed back into proper Thanatian territory.”

“That’s a good deal…” Anemos whispered.

“It is…” Zoi sighed. “Very well. You can have Vriskera. But you’re not allowed any more. The only reason we’re letting you is because we owe you our lives.”

“Great!” Phovos beamed. “Don’t you worry, Vriskera will put the Thanatians back on the map! As Thanatians, not Temthans. Or cultists. Speak to you soon, Kindyna. Rest of you, behave yourselves.”

The connection shut off, and the room was filled with silence. Finally, Zoi grumbled to herself.


“Don’t insult her!” Photios threatened.

“She fucking played us!”

“She is our master,” the Fire Raptor sighed. “You don’t mess with her. Have you learned nothing?”

“Clearly,” Trisma muttered.

Thanatos though seemed fine. “She is out of our hands. We don’t need to worry about her. This is good for everyone.”

The other Thanatians all nodded.

“Whatever,” Zoi growled as she walked off. “But if she threatens us again, I’m going to kill her.”

“No you won’t…” Kindyna smiled.