Tale: Life-Sucking Truth

“You’ve finally come down here yourself. Rather than sending my own little Ksa against me.”

It was nearly pitch black. If it wasn’t for Elkay’s enhanced senses, the one good thing he got from his mother, he would have been completely blind. Occasionally something would flash by, the glowing eyes of one of the N-Class Ksa watching his every move, but that didn’t bother the Vice General. After all, his own Ksa were by his side, as always.

“I apologise, but I’ve been a little busy keeping Rethan society in order and doing your job for you. Normally when a friend says he’s ill and will be gone for a few days, you tend to trust them. And when they don’t return after those few days are up, you start to get worried. When they start ignoring your every beckon, your every call, you start to wonder…”

Something gripped tightly round Elkay’s wrist. It was Teekay, being overly defensive as always. He may not have been able to see him properly, but Elkay was certain Teekay was giving him that “I have a bad feeling about this!” look. The rest of the K-Class had gathered closer, making a defensive wall between themselves and the N-Class.

“You wonder too much.”

“Everyone wonders how you stay so young and powerful, Photeianos!” Elkay smirked. “Guess I finally know how you do it. I was expecting something more like Thrakian Necromagia or something, something that didn’t involve sucking energy out of your own guardians.”

“You clearly have a problem with my methods.”

Elkay could hear some of his Ksa tutting. “Of course I do. You are acting like a vrykolak, shortening the life span of unwilling beings, hypnotized and bent to your will. You know, any other Rethan would be arrested and put on trial for what you are doing.”

“Are you here to arrest me? Because you’ll need more vok.”

“No. I am here to persuade you to come clean to the general public. To save face. To protect yourself. Honesty and trust win the heart, Photeianos. I do not want to treat you like a child or see you in chains, but you cannot hold yourself above the law and I will not allow you to do so.”

There was a roar somewhere in the darkness. Elkay’s words had angered the High General.

“Why do you care so much about the Ksa? They are but guards to the Rethan Agenda. Servants to Generals like us. We design them and manipulate them from birth to be permanently loyal to us. They are ours to use as we please.”

The tutting turned into growls. Not just from the K-Class, but from several N-Class Ksa as well. Elkay though just rolled his eyes.

“How many times have we discussed this, Photeianos? How often must I keep reminding you that the Ksa are Rethans the same way the rest of us are. You have lived through so many years of prejudice and racism, you have jumped over so many hurdles, yet you can’t seem to make this one last jump. What is wrong with you?”

“What is wrong with me? I will tell you what is wrong!” Photeianos roared. “I am old and I will not last forever, despite what the Rethans want. But you… If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be talking to me now as a general, you would be serving me as a damn N-Class Ksa!”

“And yet here I am, talking to you not only as a general, but as the Vice General of the Retha and as the vok doing YOUR job. Tell me, Photeianos, have you been keeping track of the current ongoing events? Of the invasion I fended off, of the convincing of the Cassids, of the new connections with the Tavrans? Are you unhappy with your job as High General, because you certainly seem to be avoiding your responsibilities…”

Photeianos fell silent and his N-Class Ksa all sneaked away into the shadows. They had lost patience with him.

“If you no longer wish to be High General, if you are too ill or old, I need to know, so I can arrange an election, so we can vote for a new leader.”

After a long, tired sigh, Photeianos finally spoke. “… I apologise, Elkay. I have treated you and the Ksa poorly and it is time I made amends. Arrange a press conference for Friday. I will speak then and admit my mistakes…”

Elkay smiled as he felt the tension fade away, as the Ksa around him started to relax. “I am glad you have seen my side of things, Photeianos.”

“I am glad to have you as a friend, Elkay…”