Tale – Packing Away

“Whoever’s idea it was to have a group video/voice chat, you’re a genius!” Veeyel grinned as his eyes switched between his movie on the television screen and the feed on his electronic tablet. On the tablet was a bunch of smaller videos, of his friends packing things up and moving things around.

“It’s alright for you, brother,” Zitel tutted. He was carrying large boxes across a small living room a few towns over, packing up his things to be put away in a storage facility. “All your stuff was chucked into a warehouse while you were comatose. We’ve got to do all this ourselves.”

Veeyel ignored Zitel, his eyes darting back to the movie. He wasn’t sure what the movie was, a nurse had put it on while he was asleep. All he knew was that it was stupidly long and about underwater boats. He’d always found it weird how nurses did that, but apparently hearing voices in the background would guarantee that Veeyel wouldn’t slip back into a coma any time he took a nap. When he’d first explained it to the rest of the L-Class, they all just stared at him.

“What’s the baggage limit on the flight?” Arel interrupted.

“We’ve told you like seven times already!” Emel snapped, causing some commotion on his end. He and Enel were helping Thiel load furniture into their designated storage container, and clearly they’d knocked something down, causing a few bangs and crashes.

A couple of curse words were heard, so Deeyel decided to answer the question instead. “Forty kilos,” he smiled. “We could have saved fifty Evra each by going with the Cassid airline but they had no carry on luggage and a hold limit of only twenty kilos.”

“I suppose booking a group flight saved us a bit of money anyway…” Ayel muttered as he disappeared from view, taking out bags of rubbish. “We’re all going to be on the same flight.”

“Apart from me…” Veeyel sighed. “Going to be a pain being transferred to that Portalian hospital. Not going to know anyone there for a bit…”

Zitel appeared on screen, looking directly at the camera. “So what is the actual plan for you? Are you even stable enough to leave a hospital at all?”

Veeyel hesitated before answering, fiddling with the first thing he could find, a pen. “I’m… not really sure. It’s like, most of the time, I’m almost normal. I’m disabled, I can’t walk and I have to take medication to make sure my organs don’t commit suicide, but I’m fine. But then every so often something wholly random happens. I’ve had acid reflux for two whole weeks, I’ve bled from my eyeballs for no reason, I’ve found myself unable to speak. Heck, once I woke up and couldn’t move, I was totally paralysed…”

“That sounds fucking awful!” Emel butted in. “I totally see why you’re the way you are. But how are we even going to get you to this Portalian hospital?”

“The medics said they’re going to sedate me and take me that way. A medic and a nurse will accompany me, drop me off and then head home or something like that. Kayel said he or one of his kids will be at the hospital waiting for me so I won’t be totally alone.”

“Speaking of Kayel, what the fuck is he up to?” Enel asked, just as Ksiel popped online.

Ksiel looked tired, as if he had been lugging boxes around all day. Which was exactly what he had been doing.

“Evening, brothers. You all alright?” Ksiel greeted his team.

“Yeah, we’re fine!” Zitel chirped. “We were just wondering how Kayel is. You heard from him?”

Ksiel nodded, but realised that none of the L-Class had seen him, since his camera was off. “Uh, yes. I just got off chat with him. He said that a couple of things have popped up, but he’s arranged for a place for us all to stay. It’s a little… campy, but as long as we all bring a nice blanket each, we should be fine.”

“Is there running water?” Deeyel asked.


“Then we should be fine!”

“Why is Kayel not on chat?” Veeyel whispered, feeling worried. “Is he not well?”

Ksiel smiled. “Nah, he’s alright. He just has a bunch of stuff he has to do. Running around and stuff.”

Veeyel immediately perked up. “Great! I am so excited now! This is like, a new start for us all!”

The happy Rethan paused. Someone was knocking on his door. Veeyel glanced at the clock and realised what time it was.

“Fuck, I gotta go. Medical tests and stuff.”

The other Ksa all waved as Veeyel left a smiley face emoticon, then closed the connection. The door opened and several medics stepped in, all holding various equipment.

Veeyel sighed, not wanting to do more tests.