The ship was being refuelled and prepared for take off. As per usual instructions, while his Ksa did all the required checks on the ship, Vice General Elkay watched from a distance, flanked by Veekay, Teekay, Enkay and Geekay, his ‘originals’ as he often called them. Finally, Arkay and Deekay appeared, informing the Vice General that the ship was ready.
“Very well. But before we head off, could I have a moment please?” Elkay asked.
“With whom?” Arkay replied.
The originals glanced at one another. Deekay disappeared, heading back to the ship, while the other four Ksa spread out, standing outside the room. Arkay seemed confused.
“Ser,” Arkay sighed. “What is it you require from me?”
Elkay knew what was going through his Ksa’s mind. Arkay had been one of Elkay’s originals, until he disappeared years ago. Even though he returned eventually, the turmoil caused meant that Elkay had to let him go. The only reason he was helping out now was because Elkay was short of staff. Hence why Elkay wanted to talk to him.
“I want you to rejoin the K-Class Ksa. Formally.”
Arkay’s golden eyes brightened. “Really?” His joy was short lived though, as began to wonder why Elkay was mentioning this now. There was a glimmer of uncertainty in his mind. “Ser, no offence, but you laid me off for good reason, because others wanted me dead, not you. You can’t really want me back.”
Elkay looked him up and down. In a year, he had changed quite a bit. But that change was back to the way he was before he disappeared. “With all that has happened recently, I believe that times have settled down enough for you to work for me again. The Deitics who wanted you dead are deceased themselves, and you are back to your old, defensive self, no longer unhinged, scarred and broken from years of pain.”
“I guess…” Arkay shrugged. “Why now?”
“I only have thirteen Ksa these days. Twelve most of the time, because of Eskay’s recent illness. There are other, insignificant reasons too…”
“They clearly are not insignificant if you mentioned them.”
Arkay was being as quick as always. Elkay decided to be blunt.
“You are right, Arkay. These are not insignificant reasons. Quite the opposite. The biggest being that I need a new scopeft. Eskay just doesn’t make the cut. He’s good, don’t get me wrong, but compared to Ksa from other Classes, he doesn’t compare. Plus, as I said, he’s been ill…”
“Why is he ill?”
Elkay sighed. “He is having problems with his oxygen lung. It is common for most Ksa to have heart or respiratory problems younger than most, but unfortunately for Eskay and his… dual nature, it has hit him far earlier than most. He will be absolutely fine and will live to an old age… for Threan-types at least, but he can no longer serve me. As you know, I value the lives of Ksa. But I undervalued yours, Arkay.”
“You didn’t undervalue me, ser, you thought I was more hassle than I was worth.”
“That is true. But there are more reasons. Your life was hectic, unstable, you needed time to readjust to everything. I gave you that time. You’ve recovered, and I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life in an arena when you could be doing something that makes you happy.”
Arkay nodded. “Serving you, protecting you, it is what I was trained to do. Even if it involved a little brain-washing…”
“Exactly!” Elkay exclaimed. “That brings me to another reason though. Your brothers standing outside, they will defend me for ever, they will agree with me, no matter what. You though, your time away, you have… not so much broken any of your programming, but you have adapted it slightly. Unintentionally. You are more open, more willing to disagree. I need someone like that by my side. There is one more, but still…”
Arkay seemed confused. “You want me because I don’t always agree?”
“You definitely want me back?”
“Do I get to be your left hand again?”
“You’ll have to work back up to that. But you’ll be my skopeft and maybe my driver.”
Arkay grinned. “Of course, of course I’ll work for you, ser. I just have one question…”
Elkay smiled back. “What is it?”
“What was the last reason?”
Elkay looked out to where the originals were waiting outside. “Teekay needs a friend. He likes you, far more than he’ll ever admit. I would like you to be his friend, his partner. He needs it, and I think you do too. Now, come, Arkay. We have things to fix…”