Brother In Law

The last Deitic crumpled into a heap before fading away, utterly defeated. That had been the third Deitic attack on a mortal settlement in the last five hours.

“Shame we can’t just kill them…” Arkay muttered under his breath as Kairos flew over. The Whenvern was doing one last check of the perimeter.

“We kill them, we make Kenos stronger. That is how it is!” Kairos tutted, swooping over the Veth, circling one last time. Once he was satisfied, he landed next to Arkay with a weird thud. “But this is good enough. For me at least.”

“I’d rather we killed them…” Arkay repeated. “These Deitic cunts have ruined my life too many times. These ones in particular. Fucking Anexartitai. They’re awful.”

Kairos blinked, almost shocked at Arkay’s words. “I do not consider you to be a genocidal being, hating entire races.”

The Veth Prime paused, then shrugged as he disengaged his gunstaff. “I don’t know any more. I’m a confused, angry mess who has been forced to do a lot of horrible things. The Anexartitai in general are responsible for a good five or so years of pain for me. Well… maybe not all of them. But still, I harbour a lot of anger…”

“It shows…” Kairos tutted. He stretched his massive wings out, then stretched his legs out. He’d shape-shifted himself into a more conventional-looking dragon, with proper arms and legs and a pair of wings on his back. That way he could hold a sword.

Kairos sighed, then sat down. His tail wagged from side to side. There was something odd about how the Whenvern was acting around Arkay. Tired of his actions, Arkay decided to ask him about it.

“You’ve been weird ever since Kinisis sent us both out.”

“I know.”


Arkay remained standing, his eyes scanning the horizon for any more threats. They’d completely destroyed this Deitic bastion. They were probably fine for now.

Kairos flapped his wings, then folded them away. “Well, I must get to know my brother in law.”

“Your what now?” Arkay was even more confused now. “I haven’t heard that phrase before. Since when could anyone consider you to be a sibling of mine?” The Veth Prime paused, then gulped. “If anything, you’re already a relative of mine! My step-father. You’re the father of my siblings…”

“Yes. And I will be your brother-in-law when you marry Kinisis.”

“You mean you’re Kinisis’s sibling?” Arkay was getting even more confused. “But… But you and Stasis both seem to want to fuck her! Or have her fuck you! However you six-dimensional beings do it!”

Kairos shrugged and smiled. “We consider ourselves kin.”

“Kin don’t fuck each other. That’s incest.”

The Whenvern shrugged. “You are a funny one.”

“Me? Really?” Arkay snapped. “You’re the one talking about fucking your sister, even if she’s not actually your sister! You’re the one who…”

“Technically, you are the one who is committing incest. Kinisis considers all within the Cycle to be her kids.”

With a growl, Arkay threw down his gunstaff, then sheepishly picked it back up. “You know what? Fuck it. I don’t care. Let’s just go back to killing Deitics. That was more fun.”

“Very well, if that is what you want to do…” Kairos smiled as he spread his wings and took off, leaving Arkay behind.

After a few moments of annoying silence, Arkay crossed his arms and tutted.

“Why does everyone have to be such a cunt these days?”