Tale: New Players

Note: As with several stories, the timing of this tale is unknown.

“Kass, Vel, a word.”

Gath stomped in. He stomped everywhere he went, due to his Ethran-type status, but there was a particularly serious tone to his stomping today.

Vel and Kass both got up and followed Gath into the strategy room of their Dessaron team quarters, knowing what Gath was about to say. Kass tempted fate by speaking first.

“I know what you’re going to say, Gath. We’re not doing well as a team.”

Gath shifted his shoulders back, stretching. “No, you are not. I do not mind the odd loss. No one is perfect. Things have been uneasy lately, what with death not being a thing currently. But that is not the problem I currently have with you two.”

“Is it our inability to keep people on our team?” Vel suggested.

Gath smiled. “Exactly. You have not managed to keep two members ever since what happened back in Roseridge Valley. Speaking of which, Vel, have you taken your medication?”

Vel nodded. “Of course, Gath. I do not wish for the… change to happen again.”

“Indeed…” Gath continued. “Anyway, in our attempt to maintain some sort of normality, you have been doing exhibition battles in the arena and you have been leeching players. So I have made a decision, while Kohgrah is still working for the Dessaron army alongside myself. I read the report Kass gave me from the events of Roseridge Valley and have tracked down the Retha you fought alongside with. While Kromais did not wish to join you, Abius did.”

Kass sighed. “Abius has zero fighting experience though. He’s useless. And he likes running around with nothing on!”

Gath pulled a piece of paper off a nearby desk, an extract from the report. “Did you not write in this report that Abius wrestled a Thanatian to the ground and kicked another in the downstairs region?”

Another sigh. “Yes…”

“And that he also punched a Lanex in the face? While nude?”

“… Yes but…”

Vel butted in. “I think he will make a fine addition. Will this be temporary or permanent?”

“Temporary until things go back to normal. But the vok needs a job and I offered him one.”

Kass was getting annoyed. “Hang on, Gath! This is supposed to be a team, we’re supposed to be democratic and all that nonsense!”

Gath gave Kass a mean look. “You may be a friend, Kass, but you also work for me. I run Retha Squad One and pay for a lot of it out of my own pocket. Your performance as of late has been pitiful, and I need to step in.”

“Well we’d be doing better if you and Kohgrah were fighting alongside us!” Kass argued. “Me and Vel can’t do everything. We have no tank, we have no soldier. I am amazed we’re still top ten without you! And don’t you dare go and compare us to the Originals. They’re fucking mentally tied together or something.”

“I was not going to compare you to Retvik and his team,” Gath was getting angry but wasn’t showing it. He knew better. “But Retha Squad One is supposed to be one of the best and you clearly are not in form, unable to adapt. You did well with Arkay fighting with you because he could fulfil different roles, you must do the same. Anyway, back to the subject on hand, I have also picked out a new member to force you to adapt.”

Vel blinked a couple of times. “Hm? From the same source?”

Gath nodded.

“But there were only two other Retha there. The other vok was a-”

“A Threavok, correct. While Abius was far more stable, Tethis I found cold and starving in an alleyway. What better way to redeem ourselves for our prior sins than to sake him in and give him a job?”

“He accepted?” Vel was still blinking in confusion. “I did not think a religious priest would do that.”

Gath shrugged. “Tethis Thanataion has no issues. According to him, the priests at his temple would often have to fight the many beasts that lived nearby to prove their dedication to their deity. While I believe that is nonsensical and honestly quite stupid, I have no qualms letting him practice his religion safely, in exchange for his service to the team. But he will be taking the duties of scout. Kass, you are now tanking.”

“What? No way!” Kass exclaimed. “I suck at it.”

“Not true…” Why did Vel always have to side with Gath? “You have always had stronger telekinisis than that of Arkay and already employ several defensive abilities, you should be fine. Gath, when will they be arriving?”

Gath glanced at his wristband. “In about an hour and a half. I have cleared out my room and the spare room for Tethis and Abius. While I do not expect overnight improvements, I do hope that you will at least try. Now, have either of you visited Arkay lately?”

Kass stared at the floor, Vel remained silent.

“Why not?”

He…” Kass stammered. “He made it quite clear he wanted to be left alone. That was ten days ago. I tried calling him a few times but he didn’t answer at all.”

“Well make sure you try and visit him this week. With Tenuk and Elksia still missing and Retvik having difficulties, we need to keep tabs on our other true Theokton.” Gath got up to leave. “Is there anything you wish to discuss before I go?”

Vel and Kass both shook their heads. “No, Gath.”

“Good. Look after the new vok.”

“We will.”