
The Bayvak emblem

Species name: Bayvak (singular and plural: Bayvak, AKA Vorvak, Tharevok) Full name: (Nitropneic) Panvrekavok Panvok Bayvavok Average dimensions: Average Height: 1m Average Length: 1.3m Weight: 40kg Description: Bayvak are small, quadruped insectoid beings with stumpy short legs and light, chitin armour. They have chitin shells on their backs that hide two pairs of wings, similar … Read more


Banikan Emblem

Species name: Banikan (Plural:Banikans. AKA Banikovlythans, Banivlyths) Full name: (Animalia-Exoteric) Mammalia Marsupialis Vylthans Banikovlythans Average dimensions: Average Height: 3.2 m Average Length: 5.2 m Average Weight: 300+ kg Description: The Banikans are large, powerful marsupial beings, covered in a light fur with a stripe or zigzag pattern running down their backs. They have two large … Read more

The Maza

The Maza, also known as the Order, is the name of the Phoviverse’s collection of sentient species. Membership in the Maza allows for its members to trade freely between one another, outlaws slavery and attempts to keep peace between the sentient races. For a race to be able to join the Maza, they must be … Read more

General Religions

The majority of the mortal species are not religious and haven’t been since the Deitics fell 2000 years ago, having relinquished all religion. The only races that still have a religion are the Bayvak, who preach oneness with nature, and the Thanatians, who worship the light from the stars. Neither of these are official religions, … Read more


Default currency is the Evra, founded by the Vohra. Retha Lires and Thrope Dollars are also occasionally used. Many races also trade goods for goods. All races produce enough food to comfortably feed the majority of their populations with basic meals, although exotic foods make for lucrative trades between the richer species. Energy is derived … Read more


The main language in the Phoviverse is Panlex, which reads similarly to English of the human universe. It is spoken by all beings within the Phoviverse and was created by the Goddess Sini, to allow peaceful communication between races. There are a handful of extinct languages as well, notably Old Vohra. However, some words are … Read more

Dates and Times

The current date matches that of the current Thrope date, with Thrope year 0 AD/BCE matching the Phoviverse year 0 CE. CE stands for Current Era, signifying a new start after the destruction caused by the Great Corruption. Sometimes the term PDW (Post Destructive War) is used, mostly by Skyavok, Rethavok and Athrens. This date … Read more