Another Quest Already

“Sending us off so soon?” Elksi teased as Galyn, her boss, entered the room, ducking under the doorway so that his horns would not get caught. “We just got back!”

Galyn eyed Elksi, then turned his attention to the rest of the small office. “There are always new things to do. Please, sit down and I shall inform you of your next mission.”

Elksi did as she was told, not enjoying her boss’s blunt response. Sitting next to her, Tenuk was tutting, while Retvik and Phovos remained quiet, waiting for Galyn to sit down himself.

“So… what is the next mission?” Phovos eventually asked, twiddling her thumbs after a rather awkward, long silence. “Salvage jobs? Exploration? Massive gold and black wyrm creatures?”

“Fortunately, there are no gilded wyrms to worry about,” Galyn explained, holding several sheets of paper. “Unfortunately, it seems that we have attracted a Voidborn entity, which has been quietly scanning the perimeter of our Periuniversal sector. This is not a particularly rare thing to occur, after all, Voidborn entities tend to enjoy scanning things. However, this time round, we have captured signals that are somewhat familiar to us.”

“A signal we have come across before?” Retvik exclaimed. “Please tell me that it is not…” Retvik couldn’t quite remember. “… Oh… What was his name..?”

“You are correct, Retvik, the scanning signals match that of Theocydes, the alternated and recurring Voidborn with his semi-parallel minions.”

“Speaking of this,” Retvik exclaimed again. “Do you have any updates on Letharos and Kalis?”

Galyn grunted, not appreciating Retvik’s interruption. “I have no new information on either of them, but I will get in touch with Vikalos and will update you soon. However, this appearance of Theocydes is somewhat worrying, because we have already exiled him a handful of times, and each time he has drifted closer and closer to our… Kinisis’s sector.”

“You need us to send him away again?”

Galyn shook his head. “Simply sending him away does not seem to work with this particular Voidborn. At least, nothing long-term. However, from what we do know, he has not… done anything of any concern. Just.. scanning things.”

Retvik grunted, then shrugged. “If that is all he is doing, then maybe we can fool Theocydes into leaving. After all, Theocydes probably does not know where we all are, particularly Arkadin, who has greatly damaged the Voidborn repeatedly.”

“Wait, you think we can just bluff our way out of this?” Elksi squeaked. “It is a dangerous Voidborn, yes? Why can we just not kill it?”

“Voidborn beings don’t die the same way we do,” Phovos did her best to answer. “You kill one, they just transfer their spirit or whatever into a new body. Right?”

Galyn nodded. “Correct. Voidborn entitiess generally have production lines that create new bodies on the regular. So simple murder is off the table for now.”

“What do you want us to do then? Shout BOO and scare him off?”

“If that is possible, yes. ”

The four Dessaron glanced at each other.

“So… no killing?”

Galyn nodded some more. “I have faith that you will be able to judge the situation and make the best decision. And if you can do it without requiring my presence or that of Litvir or Arkadin, even better.”

“That works, I guess,” Phovos frowned slightly. “When do you want us to to embark on this mission?”

“As soon as possible.”

The Dessaron bowed and climbed to their feet.

“Very well!” Retvik got up, ready to leave. “Dessaron, let us get going. The sooner we leave, the better…”