Tale: Observations

I watch as my friends mingle with the other races, being all friendly despite the fact that none of them want to be here. The feeling is mutual, the other beings don’t seem to like it in this cold, desolate place either. The Tavrans seem to live similar to us Rethans, but the Thropes are … Read more

Tale: Human Appearance

“That’s the being who challenged us to come here, but what are they?” Steve Copakon, the leader of the Mech Slayers, a team of elite, mechanically and psionically enhanced humans dedicated to destroying both religious cults and the false gods they worship, was being overly cautious. The being that had asked them to come to … Read more

Tale: Appearances

There was no sky, only a black nothingness. No stars. No sun. No warmth. No wind. They were lucky there was breathable air. The rest of existence consisted of floating platforms covered in large golden pillars and overall very curvy but perfectly symmetrical architecture. Nothing at all seemed to move. “Well, this is gloomy and … Read more

Tales: Writing Prompts

These are all writing prompts based on this imgur gallery. Glasses I’m panicking. Where are they? Where did I put them? I’m rummaging through my hand bag and they’re not there! Did I leave them in the gym? I have to head back inside and see. I can’t drive home without them. Heck, I can’t … Read more

Tale: Admit

“Retvik is here. The Cassids just want to do some tests, then we’ll be sending you through, alright?” Thitavee-En was doing his best to sound pleasant, but he knew that more than half the occupants in this room were rather angry and none of them were too sure what was going on. “Thank you, Thita!” … Read more

Tale: Disrespect

“No.” “No?” Retvik remained seated in his chair, showing as much disrepect as he could muster towards the High General. He always disliked Photeianos, and now this old, spoiled brat of a Rethan was demanding that Retvik drop everything he was doing and go through a magic purple portal with a risk of him not … Read more

Tale: Beckoned

“Arkay, you need to come with me right now!” Elkay ordered as he stormed over to his personal ship. Arkay reluctantly did as he was told and left his post, leaving the ship in the hands of his fellow Ksa, Eksi. “Ser, what is going on? You all cut me and Eksi out of the … Read more

Tale: Challenger

It was always a mess for security whenever the leaders of the Maza races were invited to join in on Maza Circle meetings, but for a change, things had gone swimmingly. No complications, no messed up schedules, everything had gone as planned. A heat wave though meant that everyone was taking regular breaks. No one … Read more

Tale: Clear Up

“You rebuilding the city on your own?” Kass yawned as he watched Retvik moving rubble with his bare hands. “Like, completely?” Retvik stopped what he was doing and wiped the sweat from his face. He had managed to get a lot done in the last few hours. Most of the roads were clear now. The … Read more

Tale: Rebirth’s Aftermath

It is beautiful here. The sun set ages ago, but its rays still tickle the horizon, spreading light above the hills and trees, reflecting and refracting in the lake below me. I’m hovering above all of it. This isn’t Kinigi, but it is close. Can’t help but want to stay here. After all the horrors, … Read more

The Soul Rupture

The Soul Rupture of Kinigi was an event that started on the 13th of February 2016 PDW and ended on the 27th of April 2016 PDW. The realm of Kinigi, a place that recycles the souls of all beings and controls the circle of Life and Death, was blocked off by Deitic beings in an … Read more

The Feralheart Plague

The Feralheart Plague is an airborne disease which causes patients to become incredibly aggressive. It is best described as a “return to the old, primative days”. Infected beings mentally revert to a primal state, becoming purely predatory and acting as if they are normal animals. In some races, notably Bayvak, their outward appearance also changes, … Read more

Tale: Maza Meeting

The Maza Tower in Portalia City was full of movement and commotion. Hundreds of journalists, mostly Cassids but a few Vrekans and Lanex too, all huddled around the entrance, waiting for the representatives inside to conclude their hours long meeting. The Feralheart plague had been beaten, thanks to cooperation between the Vrekans, Vohra and Retha, … Read more

Tale: Reinstatement

The ship was being refuelled and prepared for take off. As per usual instructions, while his Ksa did all the required checks on the ship, Vice General Elkay watched from a distance, flanked by Veekay, Teekay, Enkay and Geekay, his ‘originals’ as he often called them. Finally, Arkay and Deekay appeared, informing the Vice General … Read more

Tale: Exposed Feelings

I thought I’d be dead by now. Then again, I’d only know for certain when I end up back in Kinigi. It can’t be long now. Things are moving. Around me. Over me. Inside me. All I can smell and taste is my own blood. All I can hear is my heart, slowly beating. Each … Read more