Flickering Eyes

“So you really just can’t-”

“Ask me again about mind control and I will give you an aneurysm.”

The little yellow prisoner sank slightly. “Sorry, I just… don’t get how you work.”

“Trust me, years of study and I do not know how I work either…” Litvir still seemed to be in pain, but at least he had managed to calm the noise in his mind a little. That was probably for the best, because guards had been wandering past and, although Litvir had worked out their patterns, there were only so many times he could convincingly lie and say he just had a headache. Not that they had offered any aid or anything. Sitting in the corner, pressing the side of his head against the cold plastic was the only pain relief Litvir could find.

“But do you have an… idea or something?”

Litvir grunted, turning to Retvik. “Please can you ask your same-named counterpart to stop asking me questions?”

“Sorry but…”

Red Retvik turned to yellow Retvik. “Come on now. You are going to expose us.”

“Sorry, but I’ve had no one to talk to this whole time! I’m a social being, I’m lonely! The metal thing in the cell next to me hasn’t moved in weeks and I’m pretty sure it’s dead, but the guards don’t seem to give a shit!”

Litvir glanced over, then tutted. “Not dead, just comatose.”

“But still!”

Retvik glanced at the little Retvik and then turned to Litvir, lowering his voice. “Do you have any ideas though? Because I am somewhat stumped myself. The only thought I have had is grabbing a guard as they come close then smashing their face in against the wall of the cell, but the holes are not large enough for me to reach out.”

“Some guy tried that further down. They just cut his hand off!” little Retvik exclaimed.

“Thought as much…” Retvik sighed. “Seems like they have this place pretty locked down.”

Litvir muttered something as he closed his eyes. Retvik realised he wanted them both to shut up for a bit, then poked little Retvik, telling him to stay quiet too. After a few moments, Retvik noticed that Litvir’s fingers were twitching, as was his tail. However the twitching abruptly stopped and Litvir looked around, a confused expression on his face.

“Litvir, are you-”

“Shush. Please.” Litvir closed his eyes again. Again, after a few moments, Litvir’s fingers began twitching, but this time with a bit more rhythm. Slowly, the twitching changed into steady movement, as if Litvir was moving his fingers in time with some unheard beat.

Suddenly, Litvir stopped moving entirely. His eyes flickered open as Litvir tried to stand up and failed, his face looking confused and delirious, but also oddly foreign, as if Litvir had forgotten how to speak. Confusion turned into deranged flailing, an almost complete loss of control from Litvir’s limbs.

As soon it started though, Litvir quickly snapped back to normal.

“Uh, Litvir?”

Litvir blinked a couple of times, then smiled. “Yes?”

“What just… happened?”

“Oh, nothing much…” Litvir’s smile faded and was replaced with a yawn as he sat himself back down. “I have… an idea. I just need some time to refine it.”

“Care to share?” Retvik asked.

“No. I shall tell you when the time comes…” Litvir yawned some more. “For now, just, well, stay on guard while I sleep.”


“You will see…”