Fourway Talk

“So, how was it?”

Retvik glanced up from his bowl of stew.

“How was what?”

“The mission of course!”

Retvik grunted as the other two Rethavok sat down opposite him, both with their own bowls of stew.

“We are not interrupting, are we?” Relkir asked, holding a large spoon. “I noticed you were not with the other Dessaron.”

Closing his eyes, Retvik sighed quite loudly. “It is fine. We need some space anyway. Are you two here to bother me on your own, or did Galyn or Kinisis send you here?”

“That is rather rude!” Litvir snorted. “We have just come over to see how you are doing. No need to be grumpy.”

Retvik sighed some more. “I am tired and grumpy and want to be left alone.”

“Well why did you not say anything?” Relkir tutted as he got back up. “Come, Litvir, let us go and eat elsewhere.”

Litvir nodded in agreement, carrying his bowl in one hand and placing his other hand gently on Relkir’s shoulder. Relkir’s tail was slightly wrapped around Litvir’s tail too.

“Of course dear, where do you want to sit?”

“I am not fussed.

“Wait!” Retvik suddenly got up. “Wait wait wait wait! Are you two… dating?”

Litvir glanced over his shoulder, back at Retvik. “Somewhat, why do you ask?”

“I thought… I… uh…” Retvik was now quite confused. “Are you dating? I thought you… already had partners…”

Litvir sat back down, smiling somewhat ominously. Relkir sat down too, but without a smile.

“While you Dessaron go on your adventures, us other vok have realized that we all want the same thing, and are very happy to share time and space together.”

“So…” Retvi couldn’t decide if he was confused or distracted. “You just… sleep with each other? In your own weird four-way relationship?”

Relkir nodded. “Basically, yes. And we are very happy with each other.”

“But…” Retvik started, then stopped. “Relkir, I thought you were asexual. And that Teekay was asexual too.”

“Only before we met each other. It turns out, we, well, like this sort of thing. Coming from someone who never stopped working as High General, I never had time for romance, and now I have three vok to cheer me up pretty much all the time.”

Litvir nodded in agreement. “I am actually surprised that you seem annoyed at Relkir’s personal changes. After all, it is his body.”

Retvik frowned, knowing that he was acting weird, but was unable to stop himself. “You are telling me that the four of you are in a polygamic relationship?”

“Yep. You seem very surprised.”

The Flamebearer put his head into his hands. “I almost feel bad for asking. It is… unnatural…”

Litvir tutted in disapproval. “Have you not read old Rethan history? Early Rethavok had as many as ten different partners at first, as the majority of us all lived in packs and mated between each other.”

“Also, polygamy is not illegal in any way for Skyavok,” Relkir added. “They do this sort of thing all the time.”

“You know what? Forget what I said. I am too weary to have this conversation right now.” With a snarl, Retvik got up and walked away, leaving his meal and his fellow Rethavok behind.

“Wow…” Litvir lowered his voice. “He really does not seem happy with us.”

“I think it is just tiredness…” Relkir shrugged. “He did not enjoy that mission they went on.”

“Perhaps…” Litvir also shrugged, then sat down and stole Retvik’s leftover meal. “Guess we shall just give him some space. He clearly needs it.”