Packed Lunches

Retvik grunted as someone patted him on the shoulder. He had been standing on a balcony, watching Tenuk and Elksi make some small repairs on their ship, somewhat lost in his mission brief. The small pat though quickly brought Retvik back to reality. To Retvik’s surprise though, the shoulder pat came from someone rather unexpected.

“Oh, hello Relkir. Are you well?”

Relkir was Retvik’s younger half-sibling. While Retvik had ended up becoming a deity in his own, mostly unknown way, Relkir had been made into a deity by Kinisis herself. Theoretically, Relkir was much more powerful, but these days, he kept himself busy by helping the Allmaker in her various schemes.

“I will be honest, no I am not well…” Relkir was holding something behind his back. “You have grown significantly since we last spoke.”

“Hm, so I have,” Retvik smiled slightly. “Is something bothering you? How are things between yourself and Teekay?”

“We are… doing well…” Relkir was clearly hesitating with his replies. “Busy helping Kinisis. And each other. It is complicated.”

“Do you want to talk about it, little brother?” Retvik asked. “We have plenty of time before the group and I head off.”

“No, no, it is fine. Not a conversation for here, out in the open. Either way, my own personal issues are not why I came here.” Relkir revealed the bag he had been holding behind his back. “I made you four a packed lunch each. Sandwiches and cookies.”

Retvik hesitated slightly, then took the bag from Relkir, quickly peering inside it. The bag was large by Relkir’s standards, but seemed somewhat small in Retvik’s claws.

“What sort of sandwiches and cookies?”

“Just a simple poultry sandwich with some mayonnaise and seasoning. Tenuk’s sandwich has a sweet sauce on it, based on his Kronospastian dietary needs. The cookies are all chocolate chip.”

“Huh…” Retvik inspected the bag some more. “This is very kind of you. Your actions though seem to have come out from nowhere.”

Relkir sighed, shaking his head. “I will be honest, I am very concerned about you four. It is very dangerous out there, more dangerous than anything from within our old universe home. I worry that you may be harmed in some way.”

“You are always concerned, but you know we will be fine. After all, you four are backups for me and the gang, and we have not needed you yet.”

“Yes, I am, but I am more worried than usual. I do not know why, but I feel dread in my heart and stomach in watching you set off into the unknown once again. However, I cannot force you to change your minds and not go on this mission, but at the very least I can keep you all briefly well-fed.”

Retvik smiled and patted Relkir on the head. “You are a very sweet Rethan, you know.”

“Yes, I have been told that a lot. Mostly by Teekay. I care about everybody. It has always been my job to keep everyone else safe.”

“And we all appreciate it, brother.”

A voice suddenly shouted from below the balcony. “Hey Retty! We’re all ready! Get your butt down here!”

Retvik rolled his eyes. “I hate that nickname…” he grumbled. “I should probably go sort myself out, thank you for the packed lunches.”

Relkir smiled a little. “You are very welcome. Have a fun, safe mission.”

“You too, Relkir. You too…”