A Gift for Sini

“Hey, Sini. Delivery for you.”

Yisini looked up from her experimental work, only to see a familiar flash of blue and silver scales. She never got to see much of Kairos any more, and was a little miffed that he’d popped by and left within the space of a couple of seconds. The only traces of Kairos’s presence were a couple of scales and a box wrapped up in white tissue paper. The box was sparsely decorated, but on closer inspection, there was a faint rose patten embossed on one side.

However, the box seemed to lack any sort of label or anything on it, at least, not at first glance. The ribbon used to keep the tissue paper tied up and in place had yet more faint embossing, but it consisted of the work “Yisini” repeated over and over.

Clearly, someone had put a lot of effort into packaging this. Yisini found the situation rather weird. No, not weird, out of place. Suspicious. She hadn’t even ordered anything lately either, nor had Epani sent anything to her, so the package clearly came from somewhere else.

With a snap of her fingers, Yisini summoned her long range communicator and tapped in Kairos’s contact details. After a couple of seconds of beeping, a connection was made.

“Hey Yisini, you need something?” the Whenvern asked on the other end of the line.

“I do, actually. Where did this package come from?”

“Dunno. Somewhere exoteric.”

“It’s not from Kinisis, is it?”

“Nope, don’t think so. Don’t think Epani sent it either.”

Yisini frowned. “So you don’t know anything about this box and you still delivered it to me? Isn’t that a… health and safety risk?”

“Of course not!” Kairos snorted. “I had it checked and x-rayed and all that nonsense, it doesn’t contain anything dangerous. I just don’t know what it is. Sorry.”

With a long sigh, Yisini put the communicator down, leaving Kairos to himself. She was pleased that it wasn’t some sort of bomb, but she was rather worried about the gift. She could have just opened the box right there, to heck with any consequences. However, that was probably the worst thing she could do.

“Hm. Change of plan.”

With a couple of different snaps of her fingers, most of the equipment in Yisini’s lab tidied itself away, leaving one large plexi-glass container, which she put the box in. The Allbirther then made herself a big stick, ready to poke at the box.

To Yisini’s dismay though, as she poked the delivery, nothing happened. She then used the stick to remove the tissue paper wrapping, so Yisini could see inside properly.

Inside, a beautiful, gem-studded box unveiled itself. The box was a hexagon shape, with rows of precious gems glued along the edges, while having a false rose fastened to the top as some sort of handle. Using her stick, Yisini carefully removed the lid and put it to one side. The gemstone box revealed another surprise as she did so. The scent of delicate rose and lavender wafted into the air before spreading uniformly across the room. Inside the studded box was a collection of rose-scented soaps, as well as dried flowers. Tucked in on one side was a small, handwritten note.

“Wow…” Yisni whispered with a surprised tone as she reached for the note. She unfolded it, then started reading.

“Hi, sis, it’s been a while. Didn’t want you to forget me, so I made this nice box for you. The rose soaps are really nice on skin. Hope everything is well on your end! Lots of love, Arkay.

“P.S. You stink. Please use the soap I made. I can smell you from here.”

Yisini blinked and reread the message. Out of all the many deities and gods Yisini had encountered over the years, none of them had sent her a box of fancy, sweet-smelling soaps.

Amazed by her sibling’s weird kindness and the even weirder insult, Yisini smiled to herself, then started scribbling on a nearby pad.

“Thank you, little Arky. I’m gonna make you something nice in return!”