Angry Call

“Can they see us or hear us yet?” Arkay asked as he tried to remain calm and steady on the small stool he was sitting on. In front of him, a couple of Decay Lords that he didn’t really recognize were busy setting up a camera and a microphone, so he could talk to a Life Goddess over a video call. By Arkay’s side was Retvik, pretty much the only person Arkay trusted lately.

“Not yet, no…” Retvik explained. “We can see her and not hear her though.”

Arkay’s eyes focused on the small screen ahead of him, where the Life Goddess Kinisis was visible. She wasn’t alone though. Running around behind her were vaguely familiar beings, all of whom were also setting up everything for their video call.

“Okay… because I have, like, a really important question to ask.”

“What is it?”

“Why does she have a bunch of our old friends serving her?”

Retvik grunted and looked at the screen. He was aware of his half-brother working for Kinisis, but now that he could see more of Kinisis’s Guardians, he realised Arkay was right. Retvik recognised or knew most of them.

“That is a really good question…” Retvik grunted. “I guess we can ask her in a moment.”

The larger Decay Lord turned to both Retvik and Arkay, handing them both a small remote.

“Everything is set up. If you wish to end the conversation, silence the microphone or turn off the camera, please use these buttons. We will be monitoring the entire conversation.”

Retvik nodded in acknowledgement, while Arkay shifted nervously, muttering a thank you. The Decay Lord moved to one side, then hit a button that started the call. Immediately, the Life Goddess on the other end burst into an array of emotions.

“Arkadin! You’re alive! I’m so happy to see you! I wanted to say sorry and make you an offer, to make up for what I did!”

“Really?” Arkay’s mood had immediately dropped. “You want to apologise?”

“Yes! I am sorry for what I did to you, kid! It was the only way I knew to destroy the Voidlords!”

Arkay closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Hi Kinisis. I’ll make this brief because I’m not feeling too good. I forgive you for blowing me up in order to kill the Voidlords, but I do not want to see you or speak to you ever again. You have deeply hurt me in a multitude of ways and I will not be able to recover unless we go our separate ways.”

Kinisis didn’t say anything. She blinked blankly, not sure what she had just heard.

“B-b-but I wanted… to make you into a Life Goddess…”

“I don’t want to be a Life Goddess. I want you to leave me alone, so I can discover things for myself. And perhaps make some new friends, since you seem to have turned most of mine into your servants.”

Kinisis continued to stutter. It had very quickly become clear to her that her plans to make up with her son weren’t working. “But I want you by my side. We could… do so much together.”

“Then why didn’t we do that when I was the Thantophor, Kinisis?” Arkay tutted. “I do not want anything to do with you any more. It’s time for us to go our separate ways.”

The Life Goddess sighed, giving in. “Fine. I won’t make you into a Life Goddess. But can we not have a relationship?”


“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want one.”

“You need family. You need me.”

Arkay rolled his eyes. “I need you to respect my decisions. I mean, I could have also done without you turning my friends into your servants. I needed you to stop the other deities from hurting me but you didn’t. And I really needed you to not blow me up, but oh well. I’ll make do with just not seeing you any more.”


“Okay, let me put this another way. If you try and force yourself into my life again, I will hurt you. Because all you’ve done is hurt me and I’m tired of it. I’m willing to forgive you for the past, but that’s it.”

Kinisis took a deep breath, sighing. “Very well. I’ll leave you alone. Look after yourself, Arkadin.”

“You look after yourself too, Kinisis. Thank you for understanding.”

Arkay smiled as he ended the call. Immediately, the others could tell something was different. The Decay Lords all looked at each other, all seeming pretty worried.

“I’m glad that’s over with!” Arkay beamed as he got up, feeling pleased with himself. “Can we go get some cake now, Retvik?”

Retvik glanced at the Decay Lords, then nodded. “Sure. I could do with some cake anyway.”