Clean Chat

“So what is it that makes you like him?”

“What do you mean?”

Arkay sprawled himself across the sofa, feeling rather tired after a morning of cleaning.  Kalis on the other hand was clearly procrastinating, not wanting to get started on his chores.

“Well, there must be something that draws you in!” Kalis smiled, pushing a broom back and forth. “I don’t want to be mean but he’s not your traditional piece of eyecandy.”

Arkay glanced downwards, then waved his arm towards Kalis. “Let’s be honest, I’m not exactly eyecandy either. I’m bright yellow and covered in scratches and scars, both on my armour and my body. I’m not attractive either. Well, I am, pretty in my own way, but you get what I mean.”

“Still, you get what I mean!” Kalis started twisting his broom around. “What is it that makes you go “I love this guy?” Where is the magic? What made you choose him, over the hundreds of other former deities living here in Deathven?”

Arkay shrugged, then straightened himself out a bit. “I don’t really know.”

“Oh come on, there must be something!” Kalis exclaimed. “Seriously, you’re a female-leaning half Life Goddess sort of guy, you could have anyone you want, and you choose the giant furry teddy bear accountant who was a god of taxes and sacrifice. SOMETHING must make you go “yeah I love him” and keeps you by his side!”

Arkay shrugged some more, then suddenly his eyes lit up.

“You know what it is? It’s honestly quite small.”

“Well it’s definitely not his looks.”

“Oh come on now,” Arkay tutted. “That’s mean.”


Arkay tutted, then started to explain. “The thing that really makes him great is, funnily enough, the way he treats his cats.”

Kalis blinked. “I don’t follow.”

“Well, he’s a big scary deity. Certainly makes me feel safe. Or as safe as one can be these days. But the way he treats his cats is so… kind and delicate. There is a weird, gentle passion as he looks after them. A gigantic bear purring over such tiny, innocent little cuties. The way he raises and looks after the cats is a gateway into his heart and spirit, a true indicator of how he treats and looks over the weak and helpless.”

Kalis blinked some more. “So you like him because he has nice cats?”

“I like him because he’s a gentle, caring individual with a soft spot and a great heart. After all, many of us here are deities of negative things, but that doesn’t stop him from being kind.”

“Huh…” Kalis fell silent, mulling over Arkay’s words. “That is weirdly philosophical and deep.”

“What were you expecting?” Arkay asked, suddenly curious.

“That he’d be amazing at sex or something.”

Arkay rolled his eyes. “You know how I feel about bringing that stuff up.”

“Is the sex amazing?”

“I’m not telling.”

“I take that as a yes then.”

Arkay frowned. “Go get started on your damn chores already.”

“Heh, sorry, Arkay!” Kalis trailed off, then flicked his broom back and forth. “I really should get to work.”


Kalis smiled some more. “We can chat more when I’m done!” With a flick of his broom, Kalis disappeared into another room. “Shan’t be long!’