Suggestions for Breaktime

“Are you alright, dear?”

Phovos snapped back into reality as Retvik opened the door to his room.

“Yeah… I’m fine…”

Retvik didn’t believe Phovos, but decided not to fight back. After all, she was clearly in a world of her own.

“Do you want to come in?”

“Uh… Yeah, I guess…”

Phovos quietly stepped inside Retvik’s room, closing the door behind her.

“Are you sure there is nothing wrong?” Retvik asked again. “You seen like you are in a bit of a mess.”

The Raptor hesitated, then sighed. “I don’t know what is with me today. I feel small and weak for some reason, and I don’t know what to do to fix this lethargic feeling.”

“Do you feel unwell? Do we need to head back to base to get you checked out?”


Retvik grunted. “That was a very unenthusiastic no. Are you sure…”

“I’m just tired and don’t know what to do with myself. I’m supposed to be on cameras and security but I am in here, restless and doing my job.”

The Flamebearer sighed, then climbed out of the nest of pillows and blankets that he called his bed.

“Any word from Elksi and Tenuk?”

“I checked in with them before I wandered down here to check in with you.”

“Still preparing for the landing on that slime planet?” Retvik asked. “I thought we were going to leave it be?”

Phovos edged her way into Retvik’s room. “Tenuk is under the impression that the slime planet has a centre made of silver. It isn’t really a planet anyway. More of an asteroid if anything else.”

Retvik shrugged, then made his way towards Phovos’s side, stroking her gently on her neck, on the only bit of skin visible beneath her upper body armour.

“Is there a reason why you are in your armour?”

Phovos nodded. “I don’t feel particularly safe right now.”

“Oh? Why?” Retvik ran a finger across Phovos’s cheek. Or rather, the tiny sliver under her helmet. “Is something wrong?”

“No. Uh. Not really. I’m just feeling anxious about being out here for so long. I kinda… want to go back…”

“Back to Kinisis’s life oasis?”



“I want to take a break on solid ground, rather than on this ship.”

Retvik smiled and put his arms around Phovos, gently hugging her.

“You should have said something, dear!”

“I know but I feel bad. Tenuk and Elksi are enjoying being adventurers but I want a break.”

“Well, I think a break sounds like a good idea.”

“The others probably don’t think so.”

Retvik patted Phovos on the shoulder, then led her out of the room, back down the main hallway. “Maybe, but we can compromise. Maybe we can finish up with the slime moon or something and head back home.”

Phovos relaxed slightly. “Yeah we can do that. Sounds good to me. Hopefully they’ll understand?”

“Of course they will!” Retvik smiled. “Why would they not agree?”

“I… I don’t know…” Phovos sighed.

“Well, come on then, dear, let’s go have a chat. We will not know until we ask them!”

“Yeah, of course…”