Lovely Little Messages

“Oh hey, you’re actually online.”

Retvik sighed as he checked his messages, then typed a quick response to the latest one. “Yes, I am online, how are you?”

“How am I?” a reply swiftly appeared. “Mate, I’ve been waiting for you to appear online for days. What the heck have you been up to?”

With a second sigh, Retvik scrolled back up through his messages. Arkay was completely right, he hadn’t been online at all. In fact, Arkay had been messaging him daily and getting no response.

“I am sorry, I have been busy.”

“I gathered, what’s going on? Are you alright?”

Retvik thought for a moment, not really sure how to reply. Things had been tricky the last few days. A lot was going on. Even right now, Retvik wasn’t sure how much free time he had. For all he knew, Galyn could knock on the door and demand his service. Or something. Stability really wasn’t a thing for Retvik recently.

“I am… I am doing well enough. Could be better. Could be worse.”

“You seem exhausted.”

“I am exhausted…” Retvik immediately admitted. There was no reason to hide his emotions. Especially not from Arkay. “We have been all over the place. So much work. It never really stops.”

“I’m sorry…” Arkay replied. “Just wish I could help. I’m just cooped up in this little apartment doing little jobs and you’re out there doing big things.”

“It is… not always… big things…” Retvik hesitated. “I… I will be honest with you. Some things have happened that I have not been too keen on. We… recently killed a Corruption-infested Decayling. I did not like that at all. Have not been right since.”

“Oh… sorry…” Arkay trailed off. Having been a former death god, the act of killing and death didn’t really bother him. But he knew that Retvik held himself to much higher standards, and that what happened almost certainly hurt. “I… I really wish I could help. Like, in any way. I don’t know what to do though.”

Retvik shrugged, knowing that Arkay meant well. “It is fine. Your online company is enough.”

“I could do more. Like, waking up early to talk to you and stuff. But I’m always so damn tired.”

“Really, Arkay, it is fine. Yes, I would love to speak to you more, but it is just unfortunate that we are so badly separated. Things will get better though. I promise.”

“Doesn’t always feel like it will get better…” Arkay’s reply was less than optimistic. “Seems like there is always someone or something in the way. And my sleepiness and inability to wake up early does not help at all.”

“Seriously, Arkay, it is fine. If anything, I could do more. I just do my work then go to sleep. You are constantly messaging me to make sure I am well. You do plenty.”

“Yeah but…”

“No buts!” Retvik tried to be as friendly as possible. “You are absolutely great as you are, Arkay. No need to put yourself down.”

“Yeah but you… put yourself down too, Retvik…” Arkay typed back. “We should be kinder to each other.”

“And to ourselves.”


Retvik smiled to himself, but suddenly paused. He could hear footsteps. Retvik knew that, in a few moments, his privacy and peace and quiet would be gone.

“I am sorry, Arkay, I have to go.”

“No worries. Message me when you’re back, alright?”

“I will.”

“Love you.”

Retvik closed his eyes, smiling again. “Love you too.”