Stargazing with Time

The universe twinkled away to itself, happily continuing its existence, unaware that a corruption had sought to destroy it only hours ago. Luckily, the Gods of Time and Death had dealt with the problem swiftly, and now they were unwinding, watching the universe twist and spin.

“Thanks for helping again, brother…” Kairos smiled as he rolled over and reached for a bowl of food that he’d recently summoned.

“You don’t need to thank me…” Arkadin twiddled his thumbs awkwardly. “Just doing my job.”

“One of your jobs. That really, with your affinity with death, you shouldn’t have to deal with. Potato chip?” Kairos waved the bowl of food in Arkadin’s direction.

“Eh. Still. If things are going to die, I’d rather have it all happen on my terms…” Arkadin delicately took a chip, then licked the flavouring off before eating it. “Not have it all destroyed by some inky black bastard…”

“Still…” Kairos continued to smile, stifling his laughter at the way Arkadin ate crisps. “Doesn’t matter. We’re good. We’re all good. And I appreciate the fact that you’re trying to better yourself now.”

Arkadin smiled back, then reached for more crisps. “Yeah… What flavour are those crisps? They’re lovely!”

Kairos shrugged. “No idea. I can’t really taste much past the salt, to be honest. I just know you really like salty things.”

“I do, don’t know why. Maybe it’s because salt is kinda dead, like me. At least the sodium and chlorine based salt. Two of the most volatile low elements on the periodic table and you stick them together and you get this weird thing called table salt.”

“Our sisters, eh?”

“Yep. They make the weirdest things…”

Arkadin went back to staring at the sky. After stuffing his face with a mouthful of potato chips, Kairos did the same. The universe was quiet right now. The two deities were enjoying that feeling. It was nice to not have to worry, even if it was only for a brief period of time.

Suddenly, Kairos asked a question.

“Arkadin, do you like me?”

“What do you mean by that?”

The Whenvern hesitated. “I mean… as a friend.”

“You’re my brother. I like you as a brother…” Arkadin shrugged. “I kinda have to. We’re aspects of the same thing. And I have to spend a few billion or trillion years with you. Might as well not be a dick about it.”

“Yeah…” Kairos was still hesitating. “So you definitely do not like me the same way Yisini and Epani like each other?”

The Thantophor sat up and stared at Kairos.

“I know! I know! It sounds fucking dumb.”

“When why the fuck are you bringing it up?” Arkadin sneered. “Just… why?”

“I wanted to make sure we’re on the same page!”

“You slept with-”

“That was once. And it was a huge mistake. I regret all of that. We’re siblings. It’s…”

“If you regret it all and hate that fact, why bring it up?” Arkadin asked, feeling genuinely confused. “You didn’t like it and now you’re talking about it.”

Kairos sighed, then turned over. “I’m sorry.”

“Something is wrong…” Arkadin insisted. “You don’t bring these things up for no reason…”

Again, Kairos sighed, but this time, he rolled back over to face Arkadin. “I know. But I’ve been… hearing things… Rumbles…”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know.”

Arkadin shrugged. “There’s nothing I can do if you don’t tell me. And if you’re not… comfortable…”

“I know…” Kairos tutted as he got up. “I’ll speak to Kenon. See what he thinks. Thanks again, brother…”

“You’re, uh, welcome?” Arkadin blinked as the Time Dragon disappeared.