Talks of Evil Parallels

“What ya doing?”

“Rethanius, I told you to leave me alo-” Letharus blinked, then rubbed his eyes, gazing over the small, toothy creature sitting beneath him. “Oh. Kallus. The Void Lord let you off your chains?”

Kallus grinned slyly, nuzzling his way between Letharus’s work and Letharus himself. He was completely in the way and interrupting Letharus’s work, but the act was somewhat cute and endearing. Even if there was blood all over Kallus’s claws and muzzle.

“I pleased him with the amusing deaths of a couple of non-functional Thoulii. He said I could have some fun. I decided to come here!”

“Why?” Letharus pushed Kallus to one side, clearing up his work. He was still working the scanner, tracking anything that came too close. That weird ship he’d spotted a few days prior had been and gone, but now it seemed to have stopped moving completely, stopping at some sort of island. Letharus hoped that the weird ship was just passing through, but knowing his luck, they’d probably end up in a fight.

Kallus snuggled up more, making a space for himself in Letharus’s arms. This was rather annoying to Letharus, but he put up with it. “I like you. I like you a lot. I’d much rather spend my singular hour of freedom with you than anywhere or with anyone else on this ship.”

“I have told you a hundred times, I am not interested.”

The deathbeing sighed, then wriggled out of what had otherwise been a very comfortable position. Instead, he sat himself on the nearby desk next to Letharus, sighing to himself.

“Shame. Could have made you feel good.”

“You know the Void Lord does not approve of those emotions.”

“Can’t help it. Oh well. Maybe next time… Still staying here though. Definitely don’t want to run into Rethanius, he’ll just punt me back into my chains. Or assault me in one of his many other methods.”

Letharus grunted, still clearing up his mess. Kallus realised he was souring Letharus’s mood and changed the topic.

“So, uh, what you looking for?”

“Not looking. Tracking. That Decay Lord ship keeps on popping back up. I think they are doing survey work.”

“Huh…” Kallus trailed off. “Maybe they’re, like, evil versions of us. Decay Lords are evil, right?”

“I do not know. Never met one…” Letharus grunted some more, then turned to Kallus. “Are you talking parallel universes?”

Kallus nodded. “Maybe there’s a universe out there where we are a couple. Or maybe there’s a parallel path where I murdered you all, our Lord included, and lived a free, happy life away from you assholes.”

“I thought that true parallel universes with deities cannot exist, because Time Lords condense them all into a single timeline?”

“Yeah, direct parallel universes sure. But the Periuniversal Void is infinite, and there are parental universes that split in ways that very similar universes can form. And, of course, the Void Lords can push universes in… certain directions…”

“True…” Letharus frowned. “Still, the idea of evil twins is very silly. I am sure Lord Theocydes would not allow it…” Letharus trailed off, turning to the door. Both he and Kallus heard footsteps.

“I should leave.”

“Yes, you should.”

“I enjoyed this chat though. Can we do it again at some point?”

Letharus tutted. “We shall see. Now scram, before you get us both in trouble.”