Weird Awakening

Arkay’s eyes snapped open as something fluffy brushed against his arm. He’d stayed up late to play video games and quickly realized that he had overslept. Glancing at a nearby clock, Araky realised he had REALLY overslept. He’d gone to sleep at 7:30am and now it was 2:30pm. That was not at all normal for Arkay. But what made things weirder was that Kalis’s cat was rubbing up against him in a really friendly way. The cat had never been this interested in Arkay, and it was odd having the cat essentially snuggling up with him.

“Hi, cat.”

The cat purred, then nuzzled Arkay’s cheek.

“You are very playful today.”

More purring, followed by a quick lick.

“Maybe don’t do that.”

The cat went back to nuzzling Arkay.

“Clearly you want something.”

For a moment, Arkay turned over, not wanting to get up. He wanted to go back to sleep. But it was getting pretty hot in bed, cat or otherwise. With a long sigh, Arkay sat up straight, sitting directly in the breeze of the fan. It was quite nice, but the fan was stuck on rotation, so the direct breeze was brief.

The cat, satisfied that Arkay was awake, jumped out of bed then stood in the doorway, letting out a small meow.

“What do you want? Food?”


Tutting, Arkay got out of bed, then followed the cat into the living room, where it ran straight to its food bowl. There was plenty of cat food in it, however the green base of the bowl was visible. Arkay grabbed a handful of cat food from the nearby bag and gently placed it into the bowl. The cat immediately started eating purring as it did so.

Arkay however wasn’t as satisfied. He felt groggy and was unsure what to do with himself. He had stayed up all night and, despite having just woken up, he still kinda felt like going back to bed. However, that probably would have been a bad idea, as well as a waste of his weekend time.

What Arkay needed first though was some food. The cat wasn’t the only one who was hungry. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the cupboard that Arkay wanted to eat. He ended up grabing a bag of potato crisps, just to get his stomach to shut up. Really, he should have cooked himself some lunch, but it was already late-ish and Arkay wasn’t in the mood, so he took his crisps and went back to his bedroom.

Oddly, Arkay’s computer was still on, and he hadn’t realized. He must have forgotten to turn it off. What was more curious though was that he had a message. A recent message.

“Hi!” the message read. “Wanna play Minecraft?”

Arkay inspected the sender. Weirdly, it was from his sister, Yisini.

“Minecraft?” Arkay typed back.


“When did you get Minecraft?”

“I’ve had it for ages, Kairos set it up for me. We got a custom server and everything! Wanna play?”

Arkay hesitated, then shrugged. “Sure, why not?”