
Volt gasped with exhaustion as he threw down his Kuva Kohm and slid down the ramp into his Orbiter. He had been working for hours, mastering the last of his massive collection of weapons, and he was finally done. The Kuva weapons in particular had been incredibly tedious, requiring a LOT of extra work. Over the course of the last few days, Volt had been switching between “affinity hotspots” and Cephalon Simaris’s Sanctuary, doing everything he could to earn as much affinity as possible and pump it into his weapons.

Volt had even gone as far as leaving his trusty Carrier Prime, Twin Grakatas and customized Zaw behind in a desperate effort to funnel more affinity into the weapons that needed it.

But it was all over now. He was done. Finished. He could finally rest.

After a very brief respite, Volt picked himself and his Kuva Kohm up and headed to the Codex, a panel on his Orbiter that collected and stored information. He checked each of his Inventory tabs, and all of them were marked as Mastered. On his personal profile tab, a bar was fully filled, with the numbers 556/556 next to it.

For a moment, Volt was pleased. He took a screenshot of his profile, then sent it to his fellow Tenno, before heading to the living quarters for a quick lay down.

Volt’s rest didn’t last very long though. He did lose track of time and had slept for about an hour. Then he’d woken up and fallen back asleep for a few more hours, accidentally leaving the Somachord Player running. What woke Volt up properly though wasn’t the music twinkling through his Orbiter, but the familiar beep of a message.

It was a screenshot. Not the one Volt had sent. A different one, yet similar. A picture of that filled bar, with the numbers 557/557 next to it.

Volt blinked his neural sensors. He continued to blink, then bolted upright.


Immediately, Volt dashed back over to the Codex, nearly tripping over both his Kavat and his roomba as he did so. Immediately, he started searching for the missing weapon that he hadn’t mastered. But no matter what Volt did, he couldn’t find it. So he began to ask his friends.

But none of his friends seemed to know either. They had made lots of suggestions, many good ones. Volt had nearly everything. The Shedu, the strange weapon found in Sentient Anomalies. The War and the Broken War, duplicated from the Stalker’s own arsenal. The Paracesis, a blade forged from a vision, designed to cut down Sentients and filled with Forma. He even had the Snipetron, Sheev and Machete, ancient relics used by the lowest Corpus and Grineer grunts.

Then there were the more elusive ranges of weapons, like the Void-shimmering Prisma weapons or the Corpus-styled Vandal wea-


“What?” Ordis suddenly piped up, making Volt jump. “What is wrong, Operator?”

“I found it.”

“Found what?”

“The missing weapon… that fucking thing…” Volt sighed, as he opened the Trade Channel in his text chat. After a few moments of searching, he found a seller who had all the weapon parts. Ordis watched with curiosity as Volt leaped to his landing craft, blasted his way to the seller’s clan’s dojo, made the trade and swiftly returned. Volt then immediately rushed to the Foundry and spent probably too much Platinum making the Dera Vandal immediately available.

“WHAT IS THAT PILE OF- uh, interesting weapon, Operator. Surely it is a powerful addition to your collection.”

“You were right the first time, Ordis…” Volt grumbled as he equipped the shiny weapon, made it bright yellow, then headed to Navigation. Again, Volt headed to his landing craft and disappeared.

Confused by the sudden commotion, Ordis waited patiently, not really sure to expect. But only 7 minutes later (6 minutes and 51 seconds to be exact), the Operator returned.

Volt gasped with exhaustion as he threw down the Dera Vandal and slid down the ramp into his orbiter.

“There. I’m done. 557 out of 557. It’s over…” Volt grunted, lying on the ground, completely worn out. “Fucking hidden invasion weapons…”