Messy Mess

Tenuk grunted as he swept dirt out of the back door. He wasn’t grunting because he was cleaning, Tenuk actually somewhat enjoyed cleaning and found it relaxing. No, he was annoyed because he was still sharing a house with one normal vok and three complete and utter retards, two of which had made a massive mess all over the living room.

“I’m so sorry about all of this…” Arkay was also grunting as he carried a load of washing past Tenuk and began to hang it up on the washing line to dry. “I really did not in a million years think-”

“I told you already, it’s fine!” Tenuk tutted. He was more annoyed that Arkay had already apologised about twenty seven times now. The sheer embarrassment in Arkay’s voice made it clear that Arkay was sincere in his apologies. “I don’t think anyone really expected that to happen. Where are your siblings anyway?”

The washing that Arkay was hanging out consisted mainly of cushions and pillow cases. They were still warm from the washing machine in the living room, but they were also very, very wet. The washing machine was designed to wash light things like stomach wraps, not entire pillows and large sheets.

“Ebania and Sini went to the nearest Temthan clinic. I was going to go with them but Ebania convinced me that it should be a ‘girls only’ thing. I don’t know where Voltiidro went, he kinda just few off awkwardly.”

“Clearly they really fucking enjoyed themselves, considering you and Ebania were gone for quite a few hours…” Tenuk snorted, vaguely amused by his reply. “We’re still cleaning up.”

“I have a feeling they… didn’t really know…” Arkay trailed off, before falling silent completely. He shuddered, then went back to hanging up washing.

Tenuk watched as Arkay worked. There was clearly something bothering him and he wasn’t talking about it. “Is… something wrong?”


“There is. I can tell.”

Arkay immediately stopped what he was doing, knocking over the basket of washing in anger. “My fucking siblings fucking fucked each other and fucking took off while we fucking clean up the fucking mess, of course there’s something wrong! I’m the only one of four fucking siblings… who… ugh, you have no idea how fucking pissed off this makes me!”

“… Quite, clearly…” Tenuk backed away, just a little. He knew Arkay was currently a mortal, but he also knew Arkay was capable of doing some pretty painful things, both with his hands and with his mind. “But are you pissed off because of having to clean up, because of the technically-incest or because you’re lonely and want some action of your own?”

“Oh fuck off…” Arkay hissed, before returning to work. He stuck the last few bits on the line then took the basket back inside so he could get another load of dirty cushions and pillows into the washing machine. Tenuk stopped what he was doing and followed him inside.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“The answer is all fucking three.”

“But which of those is pissing you off the most?” Tenuk continued. “Because I know we kinda tried and failed in the past to get you laid but I’m genuinely wondering if now would be the best chance for you, considering that you’re mortal and are no longer bound by power and consent issues.”

Arkay sighed, dropping the washing basket on the floor, which didn’t make nearly as loud a noise as Arkay had hoped. “Will you stop already? I’m not interested.”

“You are though.”

“My sexual desires are not something I want to talk about right now…” Arkay sighed. “I just want to get this horrible mess cleaned up and…” Arkay suddenly paused again. A small, furry creature had wandered in from the back garden. “What… is that…”

Tenuk blinked, then turned to look at the creature. “Oh. That’s my gat, Tingles.”

“You…” Arkay inched his way closer to the fluffy little creature. “You… have a gat and you never told me?”

A smile sneaked across Tenuk’s face. “Yeah, I guess. Tingles just turned up one day and I’ve been feeding him. He comes and goes as he pleases though.”

“Can… can I stroke Tingles?”

“If he lets you, sure.”

Arkay held his hand out, and the gat wandered closer. After a while, it brushed up against Arkay’s hand, then rubbed itself against Arkay’s leg. Arkay gently began to stroke the creature’s fur.

“I like this…” Arkay smiled. “This is adorable…”