The Religion of Kiniseos

The Kiniseos Religion is the main religion for Temthans and other Temthaic species, but we welcome all beings, regardless of race, to worship with us. Our Religion is a religion based on love for both each other and oneself, worshipping creation, reproduction and happiness while striving against hatred, hunger, thirst and loneliness.

The Religion and You

Us worshippers of the Allbirther are always ready and happy to welcome more to our flock! We are proud that you have turned to us, no matter your reason. We hope that you will follow us and put faith in the Allbirther, that you open your heart to Life and Love and All. We do not judge who you were, we do not judge your past sins, we do not judge you at all. We simply hope that you fill yourself with Life and Love. May the Allbirther bless you on your travels.

The Deity

Yisini is the Goddess of Life, the Allbirther, the Lady of Love, who created the first organisms and allows them to grow and evolve, guiding life and protecting it from danger. Her goal is to create perfect Life that can exist without fear of death.

Those Blessed by the Allbirther will live long, happy, fruitful lives, gifted with euphoria, passion and joy, with many partners and many children.

The Allbirther takes many forms. Her most common depiction is of a purple female Temthan with an incredibly long, snaking tail, with which She chases away our enemies. Many images show Her with a pair of butterfly or dove wings, as well as a glowing halo, depicting Her divinity. In older villages, Yisini is shown as a coiled snake in the shape of a spiral or heart. The Form seen by Us is that of a Temthaic Fidan, the upper body of a beautiful Temthan and the lower body of a Naga Fidan.

Our Creation

“What is Existence with Nothing to Experience It?” – The Allbirther

When the Universe was Created, there was No Life.

No flora, no fauna, nothing.

So Yisini burst into life, a being created to admire this new Universe.

But Yisini was Lonely, Yisini was Sad.

So Yisini Created the First Life.

But the First Life was Small and Insignificant.

Yisini saw that the First Life needed to grow.

But Death would not let First Life grow.

First Life died before it could Change.

So Yisini created Life with Love.

Life would Live its Life and Split.

With each Split, more Life would Spawn.

With each Split, Life would live Better and Stronger.

Death tried to end Life but could not.

For Life Split too fast.

Life began to Grow.

Changing with each turn.

Each part of Life would Die.

But Grow Stronger with each Birth.

Death could never catch Life.

As long as Life Loved Forever More.


  • Love Life. Hate Death.
  • Love Yourself.
  • Love Your Partner.
  • Love Your Family.
  • Love Friends, Allies, Species.
  • Love Nature, Love the World.
  • Protect Your Life from Death.
  • Protect Your Loved Ones from Death.
  • Protect Nature from Yourselves.
  • Create New Life out of Your Love.
  • Praise Love. Praise Yourself.
  • Praise Life. Praise Yisini.


Yisini is above all.

The Raptesses and the Raptorans are our most esteemed worshippers, guiding the rest of us, blessing us and leading us in worship, pledging their entire lives to the spreading and maintaining of our religion, and to Yisini Herself.

The Emperor or Empress is always the Highest Raptess or Raptoran. Their word is Law, second only to Yisini Herself.

The Xentress is our Temthan Not Temthan, our Link to all Races, deciphering the cryptic words of Yisini when She is not present.

The Xentorans are our guides, non-Temthaic beings who have pledged their lives to the religion of Kiniseos, the same way Raptesses and Raptorans have.


The Kiniseos Religion is very lax about how we worship our Blessed Allbirther, but there are several things a Disciple of our Religion must do on a regular basis.

To Praise Yisini and welcome Her into our Lives, we must Pray to her once a Day, preferably alongside our Meals, filling ourselves.

To Praise Yisini and thank Her for our Existence, we must Consume at least One Meal a day, sayin our Prayer, filling our Stomachs and Ending our Hunger.

To Praise Yisini and thank Her for our Hearts, we must show Passion and Love to ourselves or our Loved Ones once every seven days, fulfilling our Sexual Desires as proof of our Love.

To Praise Yisini and thank Her for our Suns, Summers and Winters, we must yearly Give Back our Loves, sharing Food, Drink, Sex, Passion and Mindfulness in the Holy Day of Macromera. No Temthan is to Harm another Temthan during these times.

To Praise Yisini and thank Her for Her Patience, we must visit our local Klisia and Repent for our Sins. We are free to Choose when we visit, but our Sins must be acknowledged so we may Learn and Better ourselves and others. Small offerings and gifts to others may Help our Understandings.

To Praise Yisini and thank Her for All, we must Protect our Kind and Love one another at all times. Fear, Hatred, Pain, they are the minions of Death, and we must Protect against Death’s dark claws.

The Daily Prayer of Kiniseos

Blessed Allbirther.
Thank You for creating Us, allowing Us to Thrive, allowing us to Live our Lives and exist happily among each other.

Blessed Allbirther.
Thank You for feeding Us, giving us Food and Drink, for filling our Stomachs and satisfying our Hunger and Thirst.

Blessed Allbirther.
Thank You for creating Others, creating Unions and keeping Us from Loneliness, for giving to Us so we may give to Others, more or less fortunate.

Blessed Allbirther.
Thank You for creating All of our territories, for Us to use and maintain, for Us to keep Orderly and separated as We may see fit.

Blessed Allbirther.
Thank You for giving Us this World, this Sun, these Seasons, for providing Us with a World that we are happy to live in, that We want to protect.

Blessed Allbirther.

Thank You for handing Existence to Us, creating a Domain that even the Lords of Space and Time may envy us for.

Blessed Allbirther.
Thank You for All.

Shortened Prayer

Blessed All.
Blessed Are All.
Blessed Are All Us.
Blessed Are All Under Allbirther.
Blessed Are All Us.
Blessed Are All.
Blessed All.