Void Sector Info


It had taken a long time, trying to find the exact position of the small, silver sphere. Voidborn ships were always a bit weird, but they were also somewhat manipulative with space-time, phasing in and out and rarely staying still. However, this specific ship had actually stopped moving, after a multi-day chase through the darkness.

“Ah. You. Retvik Rethianos, the one who killed my heavy servant.”

The Thantir Three remained still, watching the silver sphere floating carefully, scanning for life forms and weapons. Well it would have been doing that, if it were capable of penetrating the shimmering ball ship.

“You are trespassing in Life Goddess territories. Explain yourself!”

The Voidborn noticed an air of authority in Retvik’s telecoms. However, he could not really examine the other beings on the Decay Lord ship. Too unfamiliar. Very different from last time.

“I am here as a warning. A warning to you and your Life Goddesses…” Theocydes spoke slowly and clearly. After all, he could not identify the others, but if the Flamebearer was in charge, that meant that his crew were similarly or potentially inexperienced. Or foreign. Theocydes was not sure. He did however note that there was a Life Goddess on board, just one that he did not recognize.

“What sort of warning?” Retvik asked. Theocydes was glad that Retvik asked for more information. Most Decayons wouldn’t be able to resist blowing Theocydes’s ship up. Or attempt to, at least. Most who tried to directly attack his sphere ended up perishing.

“As you are well aware, I am… was a part of a particular Voidborn cult. After my respawning, I decided to leave the cult and… go off on my own.”

“Congratulations, Theocydes,” Retvik replied, much to Theocydes’ surprise. “That does not explain why you are here. After all, the space between universes is infinite.”

“My presence within this sector suggests that the territory belongs to me. Normally I would not care for such simple beings such as yourselves, but as you are the cause of almost all of my defeats, I have returned herein order to block other, far worse individuals. While I may have left the cult, the cult has not truly left me, and I can tell that other Voidborn entities wish to claim this area as their own.”

“So your teleportation back and forth…” Retvik paused. “Why are you giving is protection? You have tried to kill us many times, and we have killed you several times as well. Why not just leave?”

Theocydes grunted. “I could just leave. I considered it. But I am honour-bound to you, as the ones who freed me from my indoctrination. If I offer camouflage for your sector, then I can repay my debt to you.”

“Well, thank you for your consideration, but what are you trying to camouflage us from?”

“Bigger and more powerful Voidborns. Ones utterly blind to the sentience of others, ones that only take, never give. You may consider me awful, but I am just the tip of the iceberg.”

Theocydes watched as Retvik silenced the call and spoke to his crew. They all seemed very unsure. Finally, Retvik returned to the telecom.

“Very well. We accept your protection. After all, both Galyn and Kinisis would not like to be bothered by more Voidborns. But you must remain outside of this sector. If you attempt to interfere in any way, we will return on less friendly terms.”

“Thank you, Retvik.”

“Thank you too. So long.”

The telecoms switched themselves off. Theocydes sighed loudly. “Hopefully this will clear my debt…”