Cute Message

“Good morning, cutie!” Arkadin sat up straight, staring blankly at the screen in front of him. He’d had a bad day and a bad night and probably a bad month as well, but this message on his screen… it was something else. It had caught him completely off guard. “Uh, good morning…” Not sure how … Read more

Spacing Out

“Universe has been quiet lately…” Kairos tried to hide his surprise at the voice that had caught him off guard. He had been silently working on sewing together a small paradox in the side of the universe, created by the remains of a miniature black hole, when Epani had floated by and suddenly started talking. … Read more

Thoughts On Non-Rethans

“So we have a Banikan wandering around here now?” Lysar grunted, sitting on the edge of the only balcony in Thre-Hertany. Being nothing more than a military base, surrounded by concrete walls and grassy fields, there was very little room for anything even remotely fancy. Most of the Rethans didn’t mind though, as they were … Read more

Catching up with Veeyel

Kayel beamed with joy as the two bowl of food arrived and were politely placed in front of him and his dear partner Veeyel. They had been planning a night to themselves for weeks now, but recent political events had meant that they were up to their necks in extra security. Everything from extra guards … Read more

Banikan in the Distance

Elkay grunted and grumbled as something poked him in the side, just underneath where his armoured chest carapace ended. Elkay was tired and grumpy and didn’t want to be disturbed, so of course here was someone to annoy the heck out of him. When turning over and pulling a blanket over himself failed to get … Read more

Creature in the Clearing

It had been difficult trying to explain where Elkay went every Sunday, so most of the time, he had just told small lies, claiming he was going for a walk or wanted to clear his head or whatever. After all, the former Rethan High General sneaking off into the silver birch forests on the Hertany-Vriskera … Read more

Bubbling Thoughts

“What was all that about?” Trismit whispered as the door slammed behind him and Retvik. While the day had started off pretty badly, things seemed to be turning around, since the pair of them had been treated to a very nice spa treatment and were now allowed ten minutes on their own in a warm … Read more

Stabbed Plea

Everything was dark and cold, from the chilled concrete floor to the frozen glass walls that formed an unfriendly, sanitary cell around each of the two Rethavok. Small blue-white lights were the only thing that allowed the two Rethavok to see what was going on. There were seemingly no entrances or exits, aside from a … Read more

Bedside Tears

“Hey, kiddo, you are finally awake.” Trismit’s eyes flickered open, trying to adjust to the weirdly bright yet dull light that illuminated the concrete bunker he had been sleeping in. To his left was an IV drip, feeding much-needed fluids into his formerly unconscious body. To his right was a familiar face, one that Trismit … Read more

Destructive Thoughts

Debris ricocheted across the terrain, tearing through abandoned buildings or blasting upwards into the atmosphere, followed by clouds of choking ash. The city had been derelict for decades, a vast, ancient expanse that had once been a Temthan paradise, only to be consumed by dust storms and floods. Arkadin had originally planned to have this … Read more

Meeting of Provisions and Supplies

“So, how are we holding up?” While most of the surrounding fields of concrete bunkers were rather quiet, with their occupants resting, this particular bunker had a lot of sudden visitors, all meeting up to discuss the future of the small community that had popped up out of nowhere. Scattered across the main table in … Read more

Bench-Cooked Meal

Teekay eyed the strange layout in front of him, unsure what to make of it. He had received a message telling him to go to the “obviously out of place bench” at the Picnic Park located in lower Palaestra. Being the winter months, the park was mostly empty, its main occupants being Ksithans walking their … Read more

Tiny Tiny Changes

Arkadin kept his eyes closed as he stood on the pedestal, being inspected up and down by Kinisis, the All-Maker. Apart from a couple of hellos, neither of them had said much. Kinisis saw what Arkadin was going through, stood him on the pedestal then began to wander around, trying to work out what the … Read more

Faded Form

Kairos shook off the ash and snow from his back as he landed on the platform that led into his crystal palace, one of the many shimmering abodes Kairos had scattered across the universe. He had been dealing with a weird time anomaly on top of a mountain that had a tired, bored Thraki sitting … Read more

Filling and Digging

Arkadin sighed as he continued to dig, shoveling earth down a deep, dark hole. All around him were abandoned buildings, all shaken up by a recent earthquake Arkadin had accidentally caused. The hole he was trying to fill had been a church dedicated to the Thantophor himself, but most of the structure had collapsed into … Read more