Tale: Lost in a Forest

“I think we’re totally lost…” Septimus sighed as the pair of Cassids slowed down their 4×4 truck. They’d been driving around in the dark Thanatian forest for hours, trying to stick to the rocky roads but never seeming to go anywhere.

“Well you had the map!” Tertius shouted, then quickly lowered his voice. “You were navigating!”

“But it was your idea to stray from the rest of the damn tour! Plus, I told you to go left and we went right, right at the start!”

“Left was more exciting though! Right would have just taken us back to the town!”

“Better going home early than not at all!” Septimus growled.

Tertius sighed, then slammed his hands on the horn. It beeped loudly, echoing into the forest. Something rustled, then ran away.

Septimus also sighed, having all but given up. But as he looked out the window, he saw a moving light. It was clearly the headlights of a similarly shaped vehicle. The two Cassids smiled, perhaps the tour guides were looking for them?

Tertius revved the engine of the truck and continued along the path. They were lost, but they’d been down this road twice before and Tertius knew that it connected to a road further up where the other truck was going.

“Hopefully they’re not lost as well…” Septimus muttered as they drove along.

But as they got closer to the other vehicle, they realised it was much, much quieter than theirs. It came to a halt, its engine switched off and something climbed out of it. Tall, slender, long-legged, it was definitely another Cassid. They were heavily armed though, with a laser gun attached to their belt and a rifle strapped to their back.

“Are you lost?” the Cassid tutted as they approached their vehicle. To Tertius’s surprise, it was a she-Cassid, and that caused him to stutter.

“Uh… yeah… a little…”

“We are completely lost,” Septimus interrupted. “Took a wrong turn, then another, then another…”

The Cassid grinned. “Easy to get lost. Always is around here in Banikan territory.”

“WHAT?” Septimus exclaimed. “This is all Banikan stuff?”

“Yep. I’m Laberia. You two are?”

“I’m Tertius and this is Septimus…” Tertius was no longer looking flustered. Laberia was incredibly attractive and he definitely fancied her. “We were supposed to be on a… Thanatian observation tour but…”

“Happens all the time,” Laberia sighed. “Idiots. Should put GPS in the tour vehicles, like what I’ve got. Getting in the way of my work.”

“W-What do you do here?” Septimus asked.

“Well, I’ll be honest with you. I’m a procurer of Banikan horns. Babies mostly. Ten grams of horn can net one up to three hundred lires. Very profitable. You two want in?”

Septimus glanced over at Tertius, looking very, very uncertain. But Tertius dismissed Septimus’s concerns.

“They’re just babies, right?” Tertius asked.

“Indeed. The local Banikans are meeting up nearby. Their nests will be unguarded. If your friend does not want to join us, he can remain in my vehicle, but I recommend you both leave this truck behind and come with me anyway. The roads back to town are treacherous and your stupid truck will attract every non-sleeping Banikan around.”

Tertius shrugged, leaped out of the 4×4, and climbed into the front passenger seat of Laberia’s vehicle. Septimus hesitated and followed, climbing into the back.

Laberia got in her vehicle and handed a small gun to Tertius. “Just in case. Now hush.”

The three Cassids drove off, deeper into the forest. The trees began to loom over them, obscuring vision. Occasionally, something would glimmer in the headlights and dart away in shock.

Eventually, they came to a small clearing. To one side was a steep fall downwards, to the other was nothing but trees. There was a lingering smell of smoke from a nearby fire, which Laberia calmly explained was where the adult Banikans were gathering. On the ground though was a large pile of branches, leaves and grass.

“Is that a nest?” Tertius whispered.

“Indeed. You can come with me, if you wish.”

Septimus firmly shook is head, but Tertius got out, the idea of lots of money clouding his judgement. He followed Laberia, who slowly inched closer to the nest. She drew a blade from her side and lowered herself down to the entrance of the nest.

Suddenly, something huge leaped from the trees, crushing Laberia under its heavy, clawed feet, her neck snapping and her ribs collapsing. The monster wrapped its jaws around her neck and removed the dead Cassid’s head. Tertius reached for his gun and pointed it at the monster, only for it to be swiped out of his hands. Unsure what to do and obviously panicking, Tertius ran towards the trees, only to be knocked away by the monster’s heavy, spiked tail.

In one, swift move, the Banikan mother tore off Tertius’s head.

It then turned its attention to Septimus, who was frozen with fear inside the vehicle. It stomped over and slammed all the doors shut, crushing the locking mechanisms. It then climbed onto the roof of the vehicle and reached in through the sun roof. Septimus cowards as far down as he could, but noticed the Banikan wasn’t reaching for him.

Finally, it leaped off the roof of the truck, then moved round to the side. That side of the truck started to lift into the air. With a loud roar, the Banikan tipped the truck over and pushed it down the steep cliffside.

Septimus woke up in agony, but alive. All around him were Cassid first responders, desperately trying to free his mangled body from the wreckage of the truck. In the seat in front of him were the severed heads of Tertius and Laberia.