Throwing Mood

“Well, Kinisis is in a foul mood…” Relkir growled as he picked himself up off the floor and dusted himself down. The Life Goddess had been throwing things around for the last few hours, and that had included all the Guardians who had attempted to calm her down. While Atteh’Kus was lying unconscious in the hallway, Lissandra, Vexer and Fragiir had all insisted on trying again. The only Guardian that Kinisis hadn’t thrown aside was Phovos, but that was mainly because the silent Ksithan hadn’t actually said anything.

Relkir though had learned his lesson and was leaving the others to it. He didn’t want to be thrown again, not like the others. It wounded his pride more than anything else.

Making his way to the lounge area, Relkir realised that Kinisis’s mood was bothering everyone. While Vokulunax and Kayenus were stomping around the kitchen, cooking up piles of meat to feed their frustration and hunger, the other Guardians were all gathered around a table in the lounge, trying not to argue with each other.

“I JUST DO NOT GET IT!” Akah suddenly shouted, bashing an icy fist on the table. Relkir hadn’t seen the Lanex get angry before, so this was quite a shock to everyone. “Why can she NOT UNDERSTAND?”

Tahnahos, who had been hovering by Akah’s side and had physically been blown away, put a gentle hand on Akah’s armoured shoulder plates. “I know, I know. She’s stubborn and bothering us, but she’s our boss. We need to work something out.”

“She needs to learn the word ‘no’…” Akah grunted, calming back down to his normal, chill self. “I understand that she is our boss, she made us into deities and gifted us with immortality, but this is the third fit she has had about not seeing her son.”

“What’s so good about this son of hers anyway?” Tahvra interrupted, having finally found a cushion to put on his stool so he could actually reach the main table. “Like, he’s just an uplifted god like us, right?”

Teekay tutted, opening up tub of ice cream and serving some to everyone. “I don’t know. Something about the Thantophor is different from the rest of us… Oh, heya Relkir!”

Relkir nodded in acknowledgement as he sat down on one of the empty chairs. This table had enough room for all of them, but the group here mostly gathered around one end, so they were closer to the nearby mini kitchen. “I gave up trying to placate the Allmaker. Better to let her stew. What are you all doing?”

“Working out how to placate her without being hit…” Tahnahos grumbled. “I swear, Kinisis being sad makes us all sad. I don’t even know this damn Thantophor and part of me desperately wants to see him.”

Teekay and Tahvra both tutted, obviously feeling the same way.

“Fucking sucks…” Teekay frowned, tucking in to his ice cream. “I think Akah is right though, she needs to accept the word “no” or something, because this is getting silly. we can’t give her what she wants.”

“That is what bothers me,” Relkir muttered. “I do not really know what she wants. Does she genuinely just want to see him, face to face?”

Everyone else shrugged, not really knowing the answer.

Relkir frowned, then continued rambling. “Maybe she would be happy with a teleconference call or something…”

Suddenly Akah and Tahnahos both looked up, staring at Relkir.

“What did you say?”


“Just now?”

Relkir tutted some more. “You mean teleconference calls? The long distance video calls?”

Tahnahos’s eyes lit up. “That… why the fuck did we not think of that? Kinisis doesn’t need to see him in person, we can just stick them both in front of a camera and do it like that!”

“Means we have to talk to the Decay Lords though…” Teekay grunted. “They didn’t seem to like us very much.”

“Eh, we can probably work around that!” Tahnahos seemed much perkier all of a sudden. “As long as we don’t have to deal with that Flamebearer guy and it’s us doing the talking rather than Relkur, we should be fine!”

A large thump interrupted the conversation. Down the hallway, Vexer and Fragiir had both joined the unconscious pile Atteh’Kus was lying in.

“Maybe…” Teekay whispered, lowering his voice. “Maybe we should wait until Kinisis has calmed down first…”