Basic Constitution of Rights of the Reth-Vrekan Union

This Contract ensures the Rights for All Members of the Reth-Vrekan Union, regardless of Race, Gender or Location. These Rights shall not be infringed by any means, not by members of the Union, not by members not of the Union. The damaging of these Rights shall be punished by the races that are deemed to have been caused harm by said damage. All Rights apply to all beings, no matter the circumstances.

All Individuals have the Right to Live. All Individuals live from birth until death, and shall be allowed to die of natural causes. All Individuals have the Right to Eat, Drink, Sleep, Exist.

All Individuals have the Right to Die. Should an individual not want to live, after discussion with therapists, friends and family, the individual has the right to end their own life, as long as they do not harm others.

All Individuals have the Right to Reproduction among their Own Kind, but only their Own Kind, to protect the Right to Live of all Individuals involved.

All Individuals have the Right to Choice of Birth. Should an individual become pregnant, they have the right to terminate their pregnancy.

All Individuals have the Right to Love. An Individual may live with, marry and recreationally spend time with any other Individual or Individuals they wish, as long as all parties have consented.

All Individuals have the Right to Safety. An Individual’s life must be looked after, and protection services, in the form of policing, health care and other protective services, must be available for all.

All Individuals have the Right to Fair Justice. All Individuals must be fairly represented in a Court of Law, and must have access to Legal Assistance, whether they are on the Offending or Defending side of a judicial case.

All Individuals have the Right to Innocents Before Guilt. Never should an Individual be judged as Guilty before being brought forward in a Court of Law.

All Individuals have the Right to Fair Punishments. Any Individual who commits a crime will not face cruel or unusual Punishments and will be Rehabilitated.

All Individuals have the Right to be Protected by Social Safety Nets. Assistance will be provided by Governments to ensure that all Individuals can continue their Right to Live.

All Individuals have the Right to Protected Health. No matter the Cause, any and all Individuals must be given Healthcare and their Lives must be looked after.

All Individuals have the Right to Self Defense and Protection of Family. All Individuals must protect themselves and their allies from harm. This Right extends only until the Right of Life is directly violated.

All Individuals have the Right to Vote and Choose their Leaders. How this is done is to be decided by each individual race.

All Individuals have the Right to Fair Representation by Leaders. The Leaders must always represent the Individuals and the General Population and their Best Interests. Union Leaders must be equally representative of their General Population.

All Individuals have the Right to Peaceful Protest. This Right may be disabled should an Individual violate the Right to Life or the Right to Safety of others.

All Individuals have the Right to Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Speech. These Rights extend to all beings, except in the scenario where Beliefs or Speech violate the Rights of other Individuals.

All Individual Races have the Right to Independence. Any Race, Country or Area has the right to Individual Independence and Rulings, as long as they do not go against the Rights of any Individual. Other Races have the Right to try and give an Individual Race reasons to remain within the Union.

These Rights apply to ALL Individuals of the Union and must be UPHELD by the Rulers of the Reth-Vrekan Union, no matter what.