A Simple Dissuasion

“Hello, Life Goddess Kinisis.” “Heya! How can we help ya?” Kinisis beamed as the colossal being stood at the bottom of the ramp to her ship, far too large to actually enter it. By the being’s side were several guards or servants or… whatever they were, Kinisis wasn’t sure. A black and red draconic being … Read more

Hours Under the Microscope

“So, uh, what is that?” Kinisis had been quiet for hours, silently peering at a piece of black fabric through a comically sized tiny microscope. Her Guardians had been watching her the entire time, waiting for Kinisis to make any sort of announcement. “What is what?” Kinisis muttered, clearly not paying attention. “The thing you … Read more

A Job for a Decayling

“Good day, Flamebearer.” It was a rare feeling for Retvik to seem so small and insignificant. The chair and desk he was sitting at were perfectly normal in size. The desk and chair in front of him were insanely huge. To fit a being that was at least triple Retvik’s size. “Uh… good day, ser…” … Read more

A Late Hospital Visit

Lysar tutted as she flicked through a glossy magazine. She never really understood who read these rather unsavoury tabloids, normally written by gossiping Skyavok or Cassian Temthans, but there were always tons of them in waiting rooms across Rethan territories. This waiting room was particularly quiet, but that was because it was late in the … Read more

Fuzzy Memories of a Distant Past

The Mess was where everyone ate. What the twelve Guardians ate was different, each being would eat according to their own specific diets, but the squeaky clean hall complete with benches and magically refilling buffets, complete with magical glasses that never needed filling up. And then, when everyone was done, everything would be magically cleaned … Read more

Recordings and Uncertainty

“Play that again for me, please.” Teekay did as he was told, scrolling back through the recording and hitting the play button so his queen could view the audio again. This was the third time Teekay had replayed the recording, and each time he hadn’t heard anything. This room wasn’t very big, and it was … Read more

Mourning in the Void

Retvik sighed as he sat on the small, metal bench, staring off into the void. There was nothing out there, apart from the occasional glimmer, and a glowing spot in the distance. He wasn’t focused on anything, he was just blindly looking outwards, trying to clear his thoughts and work out what was going on. … Read more