Differences in Actions

“WHERE IS HE?” Stasis bellowed as he stormed through the entrance of the cloud castle, wisps of blackness flowing off him.

Kairos though didn’t respond. He was concentrating on a large, cloudy, glowing orb that was hovering between his hands.


Still no response. Stasis charged up and stamped his feet, his staff pointing in Kairos’s direction.


“Sh. Concentrating.”

Finally, a response. Stasis took a deep breath to calm himself down and waited for Kairos to finish whatever it was he was doing. Eventually, the cloudy orb faded away, and Kairos turned to face Stasis.

“Hello, Voidborn! How are you?” Kairos seemed happy but tired. “I apologise for the wait. I am making a backup. Just in case.”

“A backup of what?” Stasis grunted.

“A backup of time! Or rather more accurately, a reset. Put things back how they are if this goes wrong. I wish it works with Corruptions, but that is outside my scope and in the past now. We do not look back.”

Stasis rolled his eyes, then put his staff down. “I don’t care about all that. I want to know what you did with the fucking Veth Prime!”

“I deal with him!” Kairos replied, quite happily. This only seemed to anger Stasis more. Stasis proceeded to grab Kairos by the shoulders and shake him around.


“He cannot do anything!” Kairos smiled as he pushed Stasis away. “And please do not touch me. That is rude. The little kiddo, I deal with it. He is out of our way.”

Stasis growled and stomped around, pacing in a circle. He finally calmed down enough to talk normally.

“So what did you do to him?” Stasis grumbled. “Froze him in time? Put him inside a Corruption Cage? Threw him into a black hole? What?”

“I give him what he wants!”


Kairos continued to smirk. “You get rid of all your problems by making your victims sad. I get rid of my opponents by preoccupying them with other things and making them happy. No one wants to attack others when they are happy and content with their existence!”

“I do not follow…” Stasis looked confused and tried to hide it. “Are you telling me you killed the Veth Prime? Because I am certain that is what he truly wanted.”

The Whenvern turned to Stasis and blinked. “Uh… no…”

“So what did you do?”

“I give him some peace,” Kairos explained, clearly this time. “I give him harmonic crystals. He can’t fight back any more. I send him to a place where he can live a care-free and happy life. I hope that soon, he will realise that we are right, that an endless, happy life is better for all the mortals he cares about, and he will not antagonise us any more.”

Stasis rolled his eyes again. “Really? And what if he changes his mind?”

“He has less incentive to! The Veth Prime is less likely to want to fight us if he is on a nice beach than he is inside a cage!”

Finally, Stasis backed down. Kairos was right. Why give the Veth Prime incentive?

“Fine,” Stasis growled as he stormed off. “But if he ruins things…”

“We will deal with it,” Kairos smiled, watching as the heavy wooden doors to his castle slammed shut behind Stasis. “Have a nice day!”