Pleas After Catastrophes

“I wasn’t prepared for this…” Kayel, the All-Ksa of the Skyavok, was shaking, trying to keep himself upright, trying to focus on his words. But as he stood in front of the High General of the Rethavok, Kayel couldn’t make the right words come out. Broken, crippled words squeaked from his maw. “I was prepared … Read more

Fuzzy Memories of a Distant Past

The Mess was where everyone ate. What the twelve Guardians ate was different, each being would eat according to their own specific diets, but the squeaky clean hall complete with benches and magically refilling buffets, complete with magical glasses that never needed filling up. And then, when everyone was done, everything would be magically cleaned … Read more

Recordings and Uncertainty

“Play that again for me, please.” Teekay did as he was told, scrolling back through the recording and hitting the play button so his queen could view the audio again. This was the third time Teekay had replayed the recording, and each time he hadn’t heard anything. This room wasn’t very big, and it was … Read more

Mourning in the Void

Retvik sighed as he sat on the small, metal bench, staring off into the void. There was nothing out there, apart from the occasional glimmer, and a glowing spot in the distance. He wasn’t focused on anything, he was just blindly looking outwards, trying to clear his thoughts and work out what was going on. … Read more

Disorientating Orientation

Retvik grunted as he rolled over, not really wanting to wake up. For the first time in ages, he was genuinely feeling comfortable and well rested. He was in a very soft, warm bed that was plenty big enough for his muscular body, and he could smell nice food nearby. Sure, he’d had a nightmare … Read more

Siege of Gold

“So let me get this straight, they want us to give them Kenon’s dead body and hand over Arkadin, even though Kenon is still alive and Arkadin is in the process of being punished? What right do they have to do that?” Yisini was pretty damn upset. Not only was she trapped inside the Fortress … Read more

A Golden Request

There was something in the sky. Strange, golden streaks carved their way through the cloudy blue skies, fading in and out of view. They had appeared suddenly and without any hint of warning. While the streaks appeared harmless, a curious mark on otherwise plain skies, they had caused quite a bit of panic among the … Read more

Golden Invasion

Kairos collapsed, exhausted and defeated. Incisions and cuts covered his body, dripping silver blood down his cyan and sapphire scales. He was still drawing breath though, refusing to give up completely. Even as the gleaming gold being pressed its foot down on Kairos’s back, pushing him into the ground. “Allmaker Kinisis! Hand them both over!” … Read more

Honesty Between Leaders

Rethais had been unsure how to react all day, as he had been shown around what used to be the old Rethan governmental headquarters and was now a glimmering, golden palace. The High General had taken him to every refurbished room, shown him every renovation he had done and smiled proudly with every change. And … Read more

More Serpentine Issues

Yisini frowned to herself as she worked. Something had cropped up, interrupting her normal duties. A little plague. Not a dangerous one, just an annoyingly contagious one. One that was irritatingly asymptomatic for too damn long. Luckily she was getting it under control, mostly by convincing everyone to stay inside and watch television. “Yisini, am … Read more

Potential Godhood

“I assume she met with you as well.” Compared to the rest to the rest of the cafe, which had been empty for hours, this one table was very cramped. Not because it had too many beings around it, but because one of those beings was a Banikan, taking up too much space. “Yes. She … Read more

Future Letters

“Dear Flamebearer Retvik…” Retvik examined the one letter that had arrived on his bedside table, next to his small glass of grape juice and the plastic tub of jellied meat and gravy. He hadn’t expected any visitors or letters or anything. He was trapped inside a hidden, private facility that only about 20 Rethavok knew … Read more

Backup Town

“You want me to stay?” Rethais nodded. “I do.” “Why?” “Someone needs to stay. In case things go wrong.” Elkay frowned, not appreciating the situation he was being forced into. When the High General had come to them and offered peace, Elkay assumed that peace encompassed everyone, or at least all Rethavok. But as far … Read more

Shopping Assistance

“Oh dear…” Veeyel tutted as the can of food he had attempted to pick up had ended back on the floor. This was the second time he had dropped this can, which was upsetting because Veeyel wanted to put it in his shopping trolley. Thankfully though, help was on the way. A kindly dark-skinned hand … Read more

Planning of Actions

“This is perfect!” Vaxavius watched as Retvik paced up and down. “This could not be better! The perfect opportunity has appeared!” “Should you not be up there, planning for the big gathering?” Trismit asked, munching his way through a packet of dried meat jerky. “I mean, your regular visits are very nice, but is this … Read more