Leftover Feelings

“I thought Elkay had the next shift.” Phovos was very clearly annoyed. There had been vague attempts to hide her anger and disdain, but Tenuk could instantly tell something was wrong. “Uh, Elkay and I swapped shifts.” “I see. Because of Elksia, I assume. That was kind of him.” Tenuk was actually getting quite concerned. … Read more

Pizza Date

“Hey Tenuk!” Elksia’s shrill, bird-like voice pierced the darkness, pulling Tenuk out of his mind fog. He had been sitting on the empty balcony, staring out into the void, minding his own business. But both Elksia’s presence and the smell of fresh, hot pizza was certainly enough to draw his attention. “Oh, hey Elksia. Was … Read more

Kinda Left Behind

Tahnahos took a deep breath, a vague attempt to hide the fact that he’d nearly jumped out of his skin in surprise. There was a Vrekan standing on the table in front of him, her talons taking chips out of the varnished wood. Talons that were longer than Tahnahos’s fingers. “Fucking Light, Elksia, you scared … Read more

Lack of Memories

“Hmph.” Tahvra glanced up from his game as Akah practically disappeared inside the beanbag chair. That particular beanbag was actually designed for a much heavier being, but Tahvra had noticed that Akah always chose to use it over the various other soft sofas and chairs scattered around the outpost. “Is something wrong?” “Eh.” It was … Read more

Missed Coming of Age Day

“Hey, Tahnahos, can you give me a claw with something please?” Tahnahos grunted as he looked up from his games console. To his surprise, the being asking for assistance was Tahvra. Despite being a Vohra, a normally very social being, Tahvra had always considered himself incredibly independent and rarely asked for help. “Sure, what do … Read more