Tale – Days as Seconds

Sometimes, I wonder how I got here.

A billion years of nothingness and here I stand. Observing. Watching. Guarding. That is my duty now. Protecting a fledgling universe from all the horrors that seek to consume it. Protecting a fledgling universe from mistakes that could destroy it from the inside out.

You would think that such a task is hard or complicated. Protecting a universe. Keeping a vigilant eye over an entire existence. Fighting off horrific masses. Destroying corruptions. You’d be wrong. You see, most of the time, universes are rather calm. At least, from the eyes of a mortal. Time flows in seconds, minutes and hours. Days are short, months are long. From my perspective, it all depends on where I am and my mood. A day could be a minute or a second in my eyes.

Yet most of this time is empty. Events happen so slowly that despite the fact that time passes differently for me, everything seems boring. Pointless even. Nothing seems to happen. So one loses track of standard events inside a universe, their mind focused on what is important.

Normally, despite it all, I remain vigilant. What distracts me is the musings of the Cycle I protect. She is an odd one. New to her duties. A converted being. Everything over the last billion years has been new and exciting to her. Even the simple forward movement of time is something she cherishes. She keeps her time drakes close. She keeps everything close. She deeply loves everything. Including me, a stationary being that she really should not want to like. She calls herself Genisi these days. I first met her under a very different name.

Genisi used to have my duty. A guardian of another universe. She too was an observant one. But Genisi also liked to plot and scheme. She wanted to interfere with that universe’s cycle, its centre of creation. I think she always wanted to be a creator. She never truly got that chance until now.

But what Genisi wants is inclusion. She wants everyone to be involved. For her, a second is a second, and she loves every single moment of time as it passes by. She does not understand that not everyone can be a creator the way she is.

You see, Genisi and I come from complete opposites. She was a guardian who wanted to create. I was someone who always just wanted to protect. I suppose it took a universe fading away and a new one being born for us to be able to fulfil our desires. Universes fade away eventually. They all do. Cycles end so new, fresh cycles can be created. With new beings at the helm.

I have gone off track. I was supposed to be wandering about how I got here.

But getting here was painful. Agonizing. Full of suffering. I was something so small. So lacking in meaning. Yet here I am, a new, young Eternal Nothing, watching and waiting. And hoping that the past does not repeat itself.

That is not something I like to linger on, so now I let my mind wander elsewhere, while my eyes constantly scan the heavens.

I have a duty to fulfil.

I hope I have learned from my past mistakes.